Monday, July 27, 2015


Hey everyone!  The billion dollar Marvel/Disney industry made another one!  Oh, you haven't heard?  Its Ant-Man!  You know, one of the original comic book Avengers.  How has he not had a movie already you ask?  Because who cares!  My Daughter has seen this twice and said its the best SH movie yet!  No, I have not gown out of this genre, I love these movies and as I have said before, I cant get enough of them.  Well after taking my son this weekend, I may have had enough.  I expected so much from this movie, especially casting Rudd as the lead.  He is a funny dude and was hoping he would knock it out of the park.  Well, I was let down throughout this movie a number of times.  I was expecting a Guardians of the Galaxy staring a comedian as the lead, but this really fell short.  I can say the saving grace of this film was absolutely Michael Pena and T.I.  Pena was true genius with the way he presented his lines.  I will give this movie an extra star just because of him! Even Evangeline Lilly, who is usually super hot was average in this.  I feel like this was thrown together for the sake of having another pay day for Marvel.  There were some good laughs, and a few good fight scenes along with cool CGI, but the end was a build up for a let down.  I wouldn't say this is the worst SH movie, but it would be behind (in order), Dark Knight (actually all of the newer Batman's), Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, Iron Man, X Men First Class, and Incredible's.  I would put this on your list of wait for Redbox, but the Popcorn might not be as good....Unless you have a bag of Vic's Cheese!

FYI:  Howard Stern tried to buy the rights to Ant-Man 15 years ago hoping for a future movie.



  1. We actually thought that this was really good. I wouldn't wait for Redbox.

  2. We actually thought that this was really good. I wouldn't wait for Redbox.
