Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Judge

Daddy issues?  This is the movie for you!  Here is how I will interpret the script for you in a condensed version.  (Son) Boo Hoo, Poor me.  Daddy didn't give me enough attention or praise growing up.  I'll show him, (enter teenage angst, recklessness, and insubordination).  Oh, that didn't work, I'll show him, (enter over the top scholar, top of his class, graduate of prestigious law school).  Poor me, still sad, i'll hide my family from him.  (Father) Quiet, and listen to me!  I'm a hard ass and the Judge of this little town.  What I say goes, even when I am accused of murder and dying.  I will never let up, ever!  Sound familiar?  If so, you better bring some tissue and prepare for the water works.  This 2 1/2 hour movie was praised and flew below the radar for a long time.  I have to say, I am disappointed in myself for taking so long to watch it.  I loved this movie!  The writing and script was excellent and the performance by Downey Jr. and Duvall was absolutely outstanding.  Of course they are great in everything they do, but the setting here was perfect.  In short, a family broken up by a demanding father who hides his love for them is brought back together by the death of their mother.  This escalates into a series of events where the honorable Judge is accused of a crime and has to depend on his estranged son to help.  There were some cheesy and campy issues I had with a few parts but all in all a great watch.  If only real life was written like a movie script.

FYI:  This is the third time Duvall and Downey have worked together but Duvall didn't remember him when filming began.



  1. We really liked this one too. One of the better movies last year. And last year had a lot of good movies.

  2. I agree, last year was a great year for movies! I was very happy with this one!
