Monday, July 27, 2015

The Guest

Excuse me ma'am, did I leave my boots under your bed?  Classic nice guy move, especially when after retrieving his boots, he puts a 9 mm slug through her head!  These days some of the best movies are those that pay homage to 80's flicks with a new age twist, and this is one of em!  Don't get me wrong there were some ugly cinema faults here, but over all a really good flick.  The story is not new, War hero, stranger appears in a town claiming to have been friends with a family who's son died in the war.  He is invited in and treated like family.  Something is off, but you just can put your finger on it.  He helps the family in very unrealistic and predictable ways, like every other movie of the sort.  Then, the shit hits the fan.  In a way I felt like there were two movies here, the beginning was outstanding and had your sucked in from the very start.  The second act is where the holes start to form and become cheesy Hollywood.  The soundtrack was awesome!  I would give this movie an extra star just for that!  The acting was pretty good, and Maika Monroe is a great little actress!  The ugly shows with the predictability and extensive use of bullet dodging.  I can usually look past that for a good acting job, but that was ruined a few times.  Overall, great flick that you can watch immediately on Netflix.  Give it a shot and raise those flags up high!  Stop being a communist!

FYI:  Dan Stevens would do 100 push ups and 100 sit ups and drink a diet coke just before his shirtless scenes.


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