Friday, July 17, 2015

The Expendables 3

Cheese.  Like the melted cheese that comes out of a machine at a truck stop gooing all over your stale nachos.  There is so much to say about this third installment of the Expendables franchise but I will begin by saying it is basically my life story.  Me being Stallone, of course!  Writing this film, I think Stallone said, "What is our budget?"  "Lets take 90% of it and get every meat-head actor we can find for bit parts and throw in some explosions!"  I loved every minute of it!  Basically we have another of the same expendables movie with a slight twist that was really good.  It was the old vs new guys who are all invincible at the helm of bullets and bombs.  These guys (and girl) are all faster, stronger, smarter and more powerful than any killing device known to man including tanks, bombs, knifes, missiles, and C4 explosives.  Filled with terrible one liners and even worse CGI effects, this is a guilty pleasure all the way.  The best part is Antonio Banderas who literally steals the show!  I have decided to present awards for the actors in this film as follows:  Best Actor:  Gibson, Best Over-Actor:  Snipes, Worst use of a character in a movie:  Ford, Least Understandable: Jet Li, Stupidest Character:  Arnold, Worst One-Liners: Sly, Why?: Ortiz.  Rousey was a good addition but wow, she needs to stay far away from acting, but she is really hot so she gets a pass.  Definitely worth the watch if you liked the first two, and if your expecting any awards for this film other than a Razzie, your in for a long night.  Like I said, I loved it!

FYI:  Ahnold sneaks in his famous line, "Get to the CHOPPA!", twice :(



  1. I has kind of half way watching this one but the get to the choppa part was great.

  2. I am sure you caught just as much half way watching it! :)
