Monday, July 27, 2015

The Jokesters

Ahhh, the generation of early 20's boys who are not only the center of the universe but without a care in the world.  Those were the good ole days!  When college frat boys get together and try to one up each other with pranks, things tend to get a little messy.  Who cares about the repercussions especially when your reputation is on the line!  Now throw in a hit You tube sensation, prankster video series and BAM!  You've got yourself a hell of an inflated ego.  Well these boys just being boys decide to take the prank to the next level by pranking the wedding toast of their bestie, which then turns into following them on their honeymoon to scare the shit out of them.  Sounds like a noble idea right?  I mean seriously, these are your best friends, cut them some slack!  And whatever you do, dont turn the pranking around on them!  Obviously by now you have picked up on my sarcasm and know that something bad happens, I mean just look at the movie poster above!  Yet another found footage film, and I was pretty good with this one.  It is your typical horror movie that isn't gong to win any Oscars, and the acting was pretty shotty but not the worst I have seen.  I liked it, I was entertained and kept watching to see what was going to happen next.  The twist it took was a little unexpected but predictable after it happens and the "Crazy" came out.  Worth a watch for those who need a newer horror fix.  Just dont mess with another mans pranking status!!!

FYI:  During the filming of this film the Dolly Grip found a piece of a human foot in the snow.


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