Thursday, July 23, 2015


Good ole Craigslist does it again!  They have made quite a name for themselves with the cinema promotion of its infamous rip offs, murders, rape, and just plain weirdness.  Let me introduce you to "Creep", a pretty good Netflix find that will take you into the world of a cash strapped cameraman who answers an AD to video a client for 8 hours for $1000.  Seems harmless, until he meets the freak.  Played very well by Mark Duplass, the dude from The League.  It seems he has a terminal illness and wants a video of his day to leave for his unborn son.  Well he spews weirdness and creepy vibes throughout the day.  This only leads to him becoming an obsessed psychopath filled with deceit and crazy.  I actually enjoyed this movie and it really kept me wanting more.  The problem is it is so filled with holes and predictable scares that it almost becomes laughable.  I had to really put myself in this situation to fully enjoy what they were trying to do and think if the viewer can do that, they wont be disappointed.  It is another found footage film, which I have said in the past I love.  Mainly because it gives you a view of how something could be real and not give you the sense of a Hollywood studio in the background.  I found myself saying, call the cops, go to the police station and just go many times, but in the end, some people are just dumb!  Give this a shot, its easy and entertaining and will give the words "Peach Fuzz" a whole new meaning!

FYI:  This is the first installment of a not yet made trilogy.


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