Thursday, July 16, 2015


The apple sure didn't fall far from the tree in this Mother / Daughter scenario.  Its kind of like that old saying we all know, "If it looks like a slut, and acts like a slut, its probably a slut."  Oh, you don't know that saying?  Well here is a story set in the outback about a family so crammed full of bad secrets that I don't know how they get out of bed in the morning.  Starting off with the kids, a couple of real manipulators, and the promiscuous daughter is destined to make her father pull his hair out.  The son kind of just goes along with the daughters dirty deeds, but still has the lying part down perfectly.  Now the parents, they painfully trench through life in every aspect whether its their marriage, work, raising kids, sex, its all there.  Anyway, kids go missing one night, we don't know if they are kidnapped or they ran away.  We don't know if they are dead or alive.  We also don't know if any of the towns people are involved.  This movie take the slow, steady approach through the lives of this family, pressing the emotional side of events to the brink.  There is plenty of symbolism throughout the film with evil tendencies such as the winding snake (watch for it).  All in all, I would say I  liked this movie but there were some huge holes.  I wanted a lot more closure and questions answered but enjoyed the deep seeded emotions it brought from the view of a parent loosing a child.  I wanted the dad to get drunk.  I wanted Kidman to stop being so over dramatic and I wanted some explanation of the old lady, the last town, and the end.  Give it a shot and stay far away from Australia.

FYI:  In Australia apparently you can say anything you want to the cops!


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