Friday, July 17, 2015

Final Girl

It's Friday night, you and the fellas want to do a little late night hunting.  Like all hunting expeditions, you all clean up, put on your tuxedos, grab an axe and head to the woods.  Along the way, you pick up a hot chick and essentially make her the hunted.  Sound familiar?  We were all there in high school, I mean boys will be boys after all, right?  Unfortunately these poor honor roll students get the tables turned on them when they meet a suspecting dame who decides she doesn't like their weekend activities.  What a feminist, man hater!  She just cant leave well enough alone!  This might have been the worst movie made this year!  It was so bad from start to finish that I thought, "this was most likely written by a 5 year old.  A demented and troubled 5 year old, but a 5 year old"!  Here is the bad:  No back story, no training, paper thin writing, terrible acting, and a plot that made no sense.  It was a La Femme Nikita rip off trying to be artsy with the cinematography that came off as campy at best.  They were trying to be American Psycho meets any slasher flick but with terrible writing and almost no blood.  That wasn't even the worst part!  The worst was that Breslin, who plays the maiden/terminator was so unbelievable it cringed every time she came on screen.  The weird 50's style film noir style with the old time mystery setting was close to being the only cool part of the movie, but failed like everything else.  This is not good, and the creepy over-bad acting sealed the deal.  If you find this movie, pass.  You're better off watching "All the Boys Love Mandy Lane" with Amber Heard.

FYI:  After this film was made the director/writer was killed after being hunted in the woods.

1/2 (you're welcome)

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