Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mission Impossible-Rogue Nation

Impossible airplane stunt, explosion, shoot out, car crash, snipers, computer hacking, more explosions, death, resurrection, motorcycle chase, hot chick, another shoot out, mind blowing climax!  No I wasn't just describing my regular Saturday nights!  Well, Maybe I was at the end there :)  The 5th installment of Ethan Hunts incredible feats against the world of evil.  This franchise just keeps getting better!  Going back after this and watching part one was like taking away technology for a day.  The progression of these films have been outstanding and this installment takes the cake!  First off, I love Tom Cruise.  I will say it over and over again, I have yet to see a bad movie from this guy.  Weird, and a little deranged, yes, but awesome.  And who isn't messed up in Hollywood?  Don't try to give me an example because I will find proof that your wrong. The action and story in this movie was great but to be honest what made it was the comedic writing and delivery from some of the actors.  Especially, with a capital "E", Simon Pegg!  He is a genius and brings this movie together and showing an obvious Tom Cruise following suit.  One of the surprising parts was Rebecca Ferguson, who I never thought was all that hot, even at the beginning of this movie.  As the film went on she became a goddess, and acted quite well.  I think this is a great movie theater flick you wont mind spending the money on.  Take the kids, mine loved it!  This message will self destruct in 5 seconds.

FYI:  Cruise and Pegg did all of their own stunts.


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