Friday, August 28, 2015

April Fool's Day

Surprise!  you're dead!  Hahaha, Happy April Fool's Day!  Here is an oldie but a goodie that I just re-watched last night.  It was one of my favorites when I was a kid and remember watching it over and over again.  Well my lucky, reluctant wife got to sit through it with me and I am sure she followed it well as her eyes were glued to her phone the entire time.  What I love best about this film is the true 80's blanket that wraps you up and takes you back to your days of youth.  Everything from the clothes, to the language, to the cheese.  Not to mention a young Biff Tannon has a great role in this.  The best part is the twist this movie has and maybe a little played out at this point but in the 80's it was fresh and new.  Basically a group of college kids are invited to "Muffy's" lake home for spring break.  They dont all know each other but all hold some dark secret that will be exposed when the killings begin!  Its a good, fun trip down memory lane and is a must watch if you ask me.  Or is it?  April Fools!

FYI:  This film was titled Horror Party when released in Germany.


1 comment:

  1. Just so you know-I loved this movie - about as much as I love picking up dog shit...or cleaning or cooking. You know where those rank on my list of things I love.
