Friday, August 7, 2015

The Gallows

Remember back in the day when you would break into your High School and tear shit up?  You know who you are!  How many of those kids around the country do you think were murdered by the ghost of some kid who died there 30 years before?  My guess is a lot!  This eerie tale is a step by step guide put out there by the PTA to deter kids from actually doing any of these criminal acts again.  Let this be a lesson to you, Teachers are fed up, and they aren't going to take it anymore!  So another found footage film, which seems to be the go to norm for any low budget horror film these days.  I really like them but think this could have been just as successful without.  The best part of this movie is that is was written by a kid from Beatrice, Nebraska, who only six years after graduating High School has a major motion picture showing across the US.  GO BIG RED! :)  The story takes place in Beatrice, a small town in NE, where the annual school play is about to take off.  The kicker is, the play is homage to the same play "The Gallows" put on 30 years prior where a kid accidentally died during the show.  Stupid I know, and most likely would never happen, but I have seen dumber things in schools these days.  Well the worst actor of the film is a former football stud who quits the team to play the lead because he likes the drama nerd.  His friends talk him into breaking in and destroying the set so they cant do the play and that's when they meet their doom.  Good twists and some good cheap jump scares.  For a low budget film that grossed 10 times the films budget, I would say it is a success.  Give it a shot, its worth a good fun scare.

FYI:  The lead actress is Kathy Lee and Frank Giffords daughter, a hot girl who seems to be missing her lips???


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