Thursday, August 13, 2015


Heart warming story about a left-handed accountant in a world of righty's.  This poor pencil pusher cant seem to use his mouse, always gets ink on his hand, and gets tangled in his phone cord day after day.  He dies old and along after a terrible life in the right mans world, southpaw.  What do you think?  Want to see this movie?  Okay, no accountant, but just substitute that for "Boxer", keep him right handed, and throw out the dead old and alone thing and its basically the same movie.  Southpaw was excellent, and Jakey Boy is one hell of an actor.  He played the punchy, dumb-ass really well.  The girl who played his daughter was amazing and Forrest Whitaker effortlessly steals the scenes once again.  There were some holes with this flick, so I am going to give it the old, "The Good, the bad and the ugly".  The good:  Great acting by almost everyone in the film.  It contained boxing!  Good story that was filled with emotions.  The Bad:  When your the world champion with a 47-0 record and start to go broke, just do a damn Wheaties commercial.  Kind of a tired played out story of riches to rags to life lessons learned.  The Ugly:  Why anyone casts .50 Cent in any role known to man is beyond me he sucks.  I would say this is one of my favorites of the year, which is full of good blockbusters so far.  Give it a shot, and remember, these actors have personal trainers, personal chefs, and millions to look that good.  Don't be so hard on yourself like I am.

FYI:  Eminem was initially cast to play the lead in this movie.  THANK GOD that changed!!!!!!!!!
