Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Oh how the world works in mysterious ways!  When true evil in the form of a racist bigot, gets released from prison only to go on a murderous, kidnapping rampage minutes later, what do you think happens next?  He meets a wise old black man who changes him all around in one night.  Classic tale of idiocy diminishing before your very eyes due to the fact that the opposite race is not as trashy as you.  I guess the moral of this story is, always overestimate the angry white man, because underneath it all, he is a blubbering pussy.  Now throw in Derek Luke, you know the actor that plays every young black man in almost every movie ever (Boobie Miles).  For the kicker, you may know how much I hate Danny Glover, I really despise him.  He nails it in this movie!  He plays an old broke down man with a bad history and even worse bones.  His movements are painful and facial expressions are priceless.  Overall I liked this flick, it has a touch of made for TV in it at times but the acting was all pretty good.  Apparently it is based on true events which makes it better knowing its not your typical new age exploitation film.  There were some holes, and some highly unbelievable scenes, like when the whitey leader abandons his soldier!  If you cant trust a Neo-Nazi, who can you trust.  Give it a shot, its a Netflix, so its basically free!

FYI:  The real dude got 274 years in Prison for this!


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