Wednesday, August 19, 2015

These Final Hours

And the Million Dollar Question is:  The end of the world is just hours away, what do you do?  A. Party like a Rockstar?  B.  Church it up and beg for forgiveness in the afterlife?  of C.  Gather up your family and start the executions?  This hidden Netflix gem will help you through these thoughts and possibly give you a good idea of what you will end up doing in the end.  Glad the Bro's pushed me to watch this film sooner than I had planned, it was great!  Set in Australia, the world is mere hours from becoming a ball of fire from the planet killing asteroid headed our way.  Everyone is in pure chaos and the streets are filled with lunatics, rapists, killers, and one saint.  The main character who is on his way to an epic worlds end party fueled with drugs, alcohol, and naked women gets sidetracked to save a little girl from being raped and tortured by some disgusting bottom dwellers.  His moral compass sets in and decides to spend the rest of his life trying to help her.  Of course you can imagine they run into some crazy situations along the way, and where they end the movie!  After watching this movie I had the discussion of what would you do, and came to the conclusion that the Rockstar parts sounded pretty nice!  Give this one a shot, its well worth it!

FYI:  The drug fueled party scene is how James Franco's house looks every Wednesday night!


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