Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cop Car

Leave it up to Bacon to play a PIG!  Cops these days, always getting a bad rap.  Seriously, this sheriff is just trying to take out the trash and ends up with the worst luck.  So he has a bit of a cocaine, illegal gun, and money laundering problem.  What good cop doesn't?  This tale starts off with two 10 year old boys running away from home (who reminded me of Jason and myself long ago) and they run across a cop car, complete with keys and unlocked doors.  They did what any curious young man would do, take it for a joyride!  Well things aren't as easy as these kids planned, especially when they try out the CB, guns, and the gas pedal.  Bacon finds the car missing and goes into a frenzy!  This was an amazingly told story and had a great flow to it.  It becomes pretty tense and really brings you into the story.  You find yourself over-routing for the young boys and get nervous for them at every turn.  This movie really showed how innocence and ignorance can certainly turn the tables on a kid, especially if they end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.  There are a few unrealistic parts of the movie and it is always hard for me to put suck a young kid in adult situations having them do just fine, but then again I may just be a grumpy old man.  This was a great movie and I would pay to see it.  Bacon is yet again creepy, and makes me think of Jim Carey from Me, Myself and Irene but nails the part like always.  A must see.

FYI:  The piano score for this movie was written by a 13 year old kid.


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