Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Depressed living in Hawaii kind of seems like saying, money doesn't buy happiness.  It just doesn't make any sense!  When you are a movie character without a care in the world, living in the most beautiful place in America, and have a hot chick with job security, you should probably just shut up and live in the moment.  Cameron Crowe has a different opinion with Aloha.  Start off with an all star cast of A Lister's, throw in an amazing setting and you are well on your way to a PG, TBS, every Saturday film.  Here is the scoop;  Cooper, an ex-military man working in the private space sector returns to his glory days in Hawaii to take on a once in a lifetime gig.  Once there he meets up with his old fling, gets confusing feelings and starts to meddle.  Meanwhile he is followed by a military watch dog (Stone) who he falls for but cant quite compete with her moral compass.  The tone of this movie which jumps all over the place, starts to flirt with an ethical message, only to left turn into an anti-climatic half witted love story.  There were some really good scenes, the best is with Cooper and Krasinski and the no word conversation.  It was cinema gold.  Baldwin, Murray, McBride all had good parts but seemed a little thrown together.  I was entertained but not impressed.  Give this one a watch but you will be better off waiting for TV.

FYI:  Emma Stone's character is based on an actual person who's Dad was half Asian, half Hawaiian.


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