Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Brass Teapot

Have you ever said something like, "If I had a dollar for every time I stubbed my toe...?"  How about the classic old game of, "what would you do for a million dollars?"  Now just think if those things could really come true!  Seriously, how far would you go?  Well in this hidden Netflix gem, a down on their luck 20's something married couple fall upon a magical teapot that gives you money every time you get hurt.  Of course this couple does what any red blooded american would do, they bring the pain!  Their goal is to get to a million bucks all the while, becoming a little obsessed.  Meanwhile those who find out about it try to steal the pot and obsession sets in.  Things start to change and they discover the payout for pain isn't as hearty as it used to be so they have to get creative and find new ways to earn the cash.  With a twist of the origin of the pot this movie came out to be a great new take on the Monkeys Paw story.  Good cast with some fun cameos and decent acting.  I would have liked to see more of a backstory on the pot and the money making but all in all very enjoyable film.  

FYI:  This $900k film made a whopping $4k opening weekend.  On two screens.


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