Friday, September 4, 2015


Ah the magic of new, young love fresh after a marriage and off to the honeymoon!  The look in the eyes, the constant touching, the non annoying, nagging wife!  Especially when you toss a mysterious walk in the woods that results in a torn nightie and a brain dead wife.  Sounds ideal right?  Well when the crazy bitch starts to forget things like an end stage Alzheimer's patient and begins to spew dark mucus out of her vage, its time to call the doc.  This creepy weird tale is a Netflix gem that gives you just enough behind the curtain to promote suspense, eeriness, and mystery.  There are a lot of things that keep you guessing like who is actually going crazy, what will happen, how is this happening and can we please leave now?  Pretty good acting from an under budget film with a good story that was somewhat original.  The most intriguing part is how the shell of a person reacts to certain situations and can manipulate the ones you love.  A little slow at first but give this one a chance, it is really good.

FYI:  During the filming of this movie the Dolly Grip ate a live bull snake on a dare.


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