Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Contracted / Contracted Phase 2

A 2 movie bonus post!  Contracted 1 & 2 gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "one night stand."  I am pretty sure they should show these at every Jr. High Sex Education course as the best deterrent for unprotected sex.  I decided to combine these movies because they are just plain nasty!  The basic premise is a sexually transmitted disease which begins to turn you into piece of rotting flesh complete with worms and maggots festering inside of you, constant excretion of blood from every orifice, and ending in the desire to eat flesh.  Well to make things worse, it mutates and becomes contagious just from the touch.  It seems some asshole who thinks the human race is a virus that needs to be eliminated is deliberately spreading this disease.  When I said these movies are nasty, that was an understatement.  The flesh eating bacteria and body mutations are so disgusting you almost dry heave while watching.  Most of the acting is just okay, but when they are in pain or getting sick, they nailed the part where the audience is supposed to cringe.  Overall I liked both movies, it was a different take on the whole "Zombie" type of morphing.  If you plan on watching these, make sure you are eating potato soup and chips during the sick scenes, you will love it!

FYI:  During pre production there was an actual virus going around on set.  3 people were seriously hospitalized.


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