Monday, September 14, 2015

Inside Llewyn Davis

Folk singers in the 60's must have been the original Hipsters, and they haven't changed a bit!  The numbers are all there, sorry hipsters but you are pigeon holed.  Layers of good will clothing, check.  Taking two things that don't belong together and owning it, check.  Thinking your original by being unoriginal, check.  Let me introduce you to Llewyn Davis, the quintessential member of this cast.  Another deep and interesting Coen brothers film that has great dark humor and uncomfortable situations.  Davis is an extremely talented folk singer who has the makings to be famous, he just cant catch a break.  As a matter of fact he is a day late to the whole music scene and his genre has pretty much passed him by.  His struggles are to find that greatness without actually admitting that he is even looking for anything.  All the while everyone he knows is either telling him how terrible he is or praising him for their own amusement.  Timberlake has a great part as a goofball singer on the verge of a new musical form breakthrough.  I liked this as it was in true Coen form.  The viewer finds himself feeling bad for the main actor up until you are tired of his lazy bullshit and want to smack him upside the head.  Well worth the watch but dont expect any answers or conclusions, you have to figure it out for your self.

FYI:  Conor Oberst auditioned for the part of Llewyn Davis.  Whew, that was a close one!


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