Saturday, November 21, 2015

Paranormal Activity - The Ghost Demension

"Mom, I have an imaginary friend who is a middle aged man and he only shows up when no one is around".  "That's nice dear".  If you think this conversation sounds a little peculiar, who the hell do you think you are judging the parenting of others!?!?  Okay, I am also on board with this one.  Let me start off by saying I love the PA franchise!  As a matter of fact, I would put the first on in my all time best scares.  So of course, each movie that comes out I get excited with high expectations only to be let down.  I think they should have stopped after 3, but the 4th wasn't all that bad.  This one on the other hand, although creepy, used too many stupid CGI tricks that made it seem goofy.  I like the acting and the story, but the whole "other dimension" was a bit of a stretch.  Oh, spoiler alert, you finally get to see Toby!!! (from the ankles down).  Basically this was a possession story of finally bringing Toby to the real world.  This guy must be the life of the party.  If I had that many people over 5 movies do everything they could, including murder in order to have me around I would be one happy son of a biscuit.  Check it out, just don't spend too much money on it.  Also, if your not a PA fan, dont bother.

FYI:  There are a number of goofs in this movie when referencing the last 4, sloppy!


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