Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Stanford Prison Experiment

"Touch me again and I will kick your ass"!  That sentence went through my mind about a million times while watching this awesome movie.  If you haven't ever heard of The Stanford Prison Experiment, it is based on true events of Stanford University in the 70's.  Basically a Psyc professor decides he is going to conduct an experiment with willing college students on the effects of captivity and power have over the human mind.  What better way to do it than simulate a prison.  Strip away all power and freedoms from one group, and give all to the other.  Well as you can imagine, this didn't go all that well and the human mind is like a fat kid in a chocolate factory.  It runs wild!  The actual experiment was terminated after only 7 days and had some permanent effects on those who participated.  There have been a few other movies based on this called Das Experiment, and The Experiment (American Re Make).  Both are better only because they are dramatically exaggerated with a touch of Hollywood flair.  This film was a bit more realistic which was great, but should have come out first.  The only down side I had to this was I couldn't stop picturing three of the main characters from their Disney days.  All in all, great movie and should be seen by everyone, if anything to give you a taste of history.

FYI:  There are rumors that a lot of torture happened in the actual experiment, but no one has fessed up!


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