Saturday, November 21, 2015


Brrrrr, its cold up there but, everyone needs a hobby.  Right?  Some people paint, some collect stamps, others pay thousands of dollars to literally freeze and risk their lives climbing a mountain that has no predictable weather patterns.  Oh, did I mention this particular mountain is Mt. Everest?  You know, the mountain only a handful of people have ever climbed!  This movie was intense!  I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.  I loved the fact that it is based on John Krakeuer's book and that he had a good role in the movie.  Of course, the book is better (hipsters stand and applaud).  There was a great atmosphere about the characters of the movie who were a bunch of cocky assholes with no fear thinking they would climb this impossible rock.  I am so dumb that I found myself saying, damn I would like to do that someday!  Please talk me out of it if I ever think I will, because other than reaching a peak not many have in the world, you still have to get down and the fun is over at that point!  This is a must watch in my option, I just wish I would have seen it in the theater.

FYI:  There are a number of bodies that have never been recovered from the mountain.  Haunted!


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