Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tales of Halloween

A little late on this one due to the fact its Thanksgiving, but I am a Halloween nut so with a title like this I had to give it a watch!  Well for starters this is a definite throw away!  The premise is 10 stories of Halloween with different directors and "B" list actors that intertwine somewhat.  Well that should be the making of a great movie, but alas, many have tried and failed (A,B,Cs of Death part 1 & 2, Tales from the Darkside).  Many have succeeded with honors (Creepshow, V.H.S).  This was cheap and boring with a rotating script that by the 4th tale, I felt like I was watching the same thing over and over again.  I likes some of the laughable parts and the movie references that not many would get but the majority of it was just cheesy and goof-ball.  I have yet to see a movie like this made with good consistent scary tales all the way through.  This is a good one to watch with some friends and alcohol in October, otherwise pass.

FYI:  Narrated by Adrienne Barbeau, the queen of cheese horror flicks!


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