Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Green Inferno

Welcome to the jungle hipster, douche bag college kids who think they are fighting a good cause.  Get over yourself, this isn't the 70's.  Haven't you figured it out that money rules the world?  Well just take a look at the poster above.  Who wouldn't want to see this creepy dude on screen?!  After anticipating the greatness of this movie for over a year, I finally went to the theater with my 13 year old daughter.  Best idea?  Maybe not, but I am in the running for Dad of the year!  If you don't know by now this is a lost Amazonian cannibal trip movie that gets to dine on some over privileged college kids.  I loved every minute of it!  I have always been a fan of "Cannibal Holocaust" and this didn't quite compare, but it was pretty damn good.  Basically you have the gorilla group of kids who want to save the rain forest by chaining themselves to some trees in the jungle.  Low and behold they find them selves in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Classic story, of being eaten alive.  There were some really good gory scenes of slaughter and some gross scenarios that may haunt you for a bit, all in true Eli Roth form.  You really get sucked in thinking what would you do in this situation, and as always find some way to get away.  I myself kept thinking, with that body paint on all the time, don't these natives ever get zits??  Check this out if your a fan of the horror genre, it wont disappoint.  Just be careful the next time you decide to save the earth, someone might not want you in their kitchen!

FYI:  The tribe members in this film were the real deal and had never been filmed before or seen a movie.


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