Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bohemian Rhapsody

Ever heard of this band called Queen?  Apparently they had a few hits in the 70's and 80's?  Well the movie is about some flamboyant dude who thinks he is straight, then bi, then full on gay with a capital G!  His band gives him a shot before they get big and before you know it they are performing in front of thousands.  I guess its what they call rock and roll?  Okay, seriously if you haven't seen this movie yet, get to the theater now!  This was one of the greatest rock biopics ever made with incredible and outstanding acting done by all!  Rami Malik brings the amazing Freddie Mercury back to life and should win an Oscar for his performance.  The story of how Queen broke barriers with not only their music but the portrayal of a lead singers sexuality and presentation was spot on.  The back story of the music and who the band was always evolving and seemed to hit on all popular accounts, even if being long before its time.  There were a few faults in the film such as needing a little more backstory of the band itself, and the struggles to become famous but otherwise very well directed.  I left wanting more and feeling overwhelmed with emotion of how awesome everything I just saw was.  The grand finale is "Live Aid" which I remember watching as a kid and a better ending to the film couldn't have been written.

FYI:  Sacha Baron Cohen was almost the part of Freddie!



I would say 99% of the time after seeing a remake the first remark is that is isn't as good as the original.  Very few exceptions in my book and unfortunately this one also falls into that category.  Now don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and was extremely happy with the films outcome.  Outstanding performances by all actors with big shoes to fill (Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman), but they held their own.  Another "true story" of a French thief who is framed for murder and sent to what many may call the worst hell of a prison.  He creates an unusual friendship with the runt of the litter in order to gain his money for an escape.  There you have it, a prison break movie, we all love those, right?  I do, and they all have their own similarities with a bit of a twist to each story.  The way this film portrays the actors mind diving into madness and the atmosphere is done with excellence.  The prisoners are authentic creations of who you would think of when imagining a foreign prison.  A great story and will worth the watch.  I would suggest watching the original as well to give yourself a reference of where this all comes from.

FYI:  Papillon means Butterfly-His nickname due to the butterfly tattoo on his chest for thief's.


The Outlaw King

Brave WHO?  Step aside Gibson, Captn. Kirk is here as the new king with a greasy mullet to scare off the English!  Oh, you don't know this story?  Nobody does, until now so thank you Netflix!  So you have your basic Scottish outlaw group who is tired of the tyranny from the English king and his army.  So they form a much smaller band of psychopaths and one by one try to take down the English!  This "true" story takes place just after William Wallace has been killed.  Trying to maintain peace throughout the boarder lands, Robert Bruce is titles "King of Scotts" where he is sent away to piddle around on an inadequate piece of land.  Well the fiesty little band of Scotts decide to play dirty and take out each castle until the big battle with the newly appointed king.  Of course he is a weasel and brings on a huge army for the final battle.  The grand finale of a battle was outstanding!  The Battle was certainly Big Screen worthy and the blood was really cool.  Overall I really liked this movie and thought it was very well made with great acting.  There was a bit of "Made for TV" feel to it at times but definitely worth the watch.  Check it out on Netflix now!

FYI:  2 scenes were filmed in the town that Robert the Bruce lived.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Not quite Pennywise, or Captain Spaulding, but a different killer clown.  You know, "Art the Clown?"  AKA, the Terrifier!  Backstory as to why I watched this low budget slasher flick; at the last horror movie convention I attended this guy had the longest line and most action of any other booths which included Jason, Robert Englund, Lance Hendrickson, Etc.  Going in knowing how cheesy it would be, I realized I had seen this clown before in another movie called "All Hallows Eve" and I loved every minute of it!  Not much to tell other than the fact this silent creepy clown terrorizes three hot chicks on Halloween (along with anyone else who he happens to see) and its typically in a manner that is about as unpleasant as you can imagine.  Its low budget, gritty, bad acted and no plot but a great horror night selection.  Wait for the cool scene where he manually saws a girl from her crotch to her head, its a really family dinner time moment!

FYI:  Thornton, who plays Art was actually a street mime before getting into acting.


Man Vs.

Bear Grylls, you know the "so-called" wilderness survival expert.  Well look at the picture above, see a resemblance?  Good, you should since the whole movie struck me as kind a spoof of the dip shit shows that allegedly have an outdoors man on his own surviving.  This thriller is set up to be a really good flick, it includes elements that make it a real movie and not just your typical slasher in the woods type of film.  TV Personality, wilderness survivor is experiencing some serious ratings failings as well as negative feedback from his producers so he decides to go all in on a lone upper North East survival trip.  He has a few cameras and a backpack with some items but most of all he is on his own.  He begins to experience some weird stuff and finally realizes he is not alone.  Sounds kick ass right?  Well as soon as we discover who else is out there with him, the whole thing turns to cheese with really bad Power Rangers type graphics.  All in all, it was a good movie other than the fact I just couldn't get over how low budget some of the elements were.  I think they would have been better off not showing the entity (no spoilers) rather than try to pull it off.  Good Netflix late nighter if you know what your going into.

FYI:  Oops!  In one scene you can see cars driving in the background.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Too Big To Fail

If you still haven't become negative and suspicions about the economic crash of the early 2000's then you arent watching enough movies about it!  This hidden gem was outstanding right along with the others who follow suit such as The Big Short and Margin Call.  This one centers around the potential fall of Lehman Brothers involving back channel negotiating, political fudging, no strings attached bailouts and a lot of lip service to the public.  This gave a very in-depth understanding of just how greedy the industry can be with no repercussions.  This all star cast really shined and gave all of the 10,000 ft view characters some humility.  This is a must watch for anyone who just cant get enough of the crisis situation.

FYI:  4 Oscar nominees star in this film


Us and Them

The world has always had "have's" and "have not's".  The real issue is how does the human psyche deal with it.  Work hard?  Invest?  Get an education?  Hell no!  You get a gun, go to some rich assholes house and tie them up to teach a lesson!  Well that's what this young man does to prove a worthless point as if a needle in a haystack will suddenly jump out and stick you in the finger.  This working class stiff along with his band of misfits have a master plan of taking over a rich dudes house and holding him and his family hostage teaching him that the rich are evil and the weak will soon rise!  The story is not unique and the plot is a bit thin but was a very enjoyable watch.  I liked the whole idea and the fact that they didn't try to make it something its not.  It was acted okay and very "next door" quality but well worth the watch.  Streaming on Netflix, give this one a shot!

FYI:  The gun used in this was filled with sand to make it feel heavier, like a real pistol.


Monday, July 16, 2018

How it Ends

Not another post-apocalyptic survival movie!!!  How many times can Hollywood take Mad-Max, The Road, and Blackout, throw some other actors in it and try to churn it out as new twist on the genre.  Well, I am a fan so keep em coming!  I liked this one for a few reasons but I will give you the old fashion Molina Film Review Good, Bad, and Ugly on this one!  The Good:  Cool unexplained reason for the meltdown.  Weird weather, total electronic darkness, and a fast reaction by the people to become chaotic.  I also liked the tense relationship between main actor and Father in law.  The Bad:   So many wasted opportunities for the plot line to move into great directions.  What is going on, where did they go, and who is that?  The Ugly:  Some good, and some really, really bad acting/writing.  There were times where I laughed out loud it was so forced.  Overall, I enjoyed this one, the fact that the main actor wasn't a complete bad-ass with a weapon and that he didn't understand the situations he was in made it worth while.  This is a good watch and will keep you entertained.

FYI:  Many of the military members were actual members of the Canadian Army


Red Sparrow

What a terrible position to be in as an American Spy.  You get roped in, seduced and used with a sexy and beautiful young Russian spy forced to use her body as a weapon.  Sounds horrible to me!  Just go ahead and kill me before manipulating me into a sensual sex game with a "Sparrow"spy.  On top of all that, the class hot shot in Sparrow School is J-Law, and she isn't shy showing her skin in this flick!  I was very much not interested in this movie as I thought it was going to be just a rip off of Atomic Blonde, (which was awesome).  Little did I know it was going to be really good and surprising with the plot twists, action, gore and nudity.  I have also never really been attracted to Lawrence, but wowza!  She is super sexy in this one!  Basically she is an A List Russian Ballerina who ends up getting hurt and is reduced to the low portion of society.  She is then recruited by her slime ball Uncle to be a "Red Sparrow" spy and seduce for secrets.  Her first target, an American spy who needs a new contact for his assignment.  Next thing you know, they are shacking up!  It's not an Oscar worthy movie, and it is a bit predictable but well worth your time!

FYI:  Lawrence spent 4 months practicing ballet 3 hours a day for this role.


Good Time

Good ole shovel face is out for blood again, but this time he ain't drinking it.  This isn't your cheesy, weirdo, fan girl vampire movie, that's for sure!  I will start off by saying I hate Pattinson, he is a creepy type of actor who never really shines for me.  He is awesome in this one as a low life dirt bag who is racing through the night to correct his terrible decisions.  The story starts out with him and his mentally challenged brother in a botched bank robbery.  They are on the run and the brother (played brilliantly by the director) gets caught and put into lock up.  Pattinson must enter the depths of a shady city in order to find him and get the cash to set him free.  There is outstanding 80's throwback music for the score, some great slow burning cinematography, and great nail biting action.  This is an extremely underrated movie with a surprisingly great plot.  Amazon Prime right now, give this one a serious look!

FYI:  Most of the actors in this film are ordinary people cast to play the specific parts.


Friday, June 22, 2018


The "Just Say No" slogan was pretty good in the 80's.  Nancy Reagan had a pretty good idea for the time but we have evolved since the Cold War, and it is time to increase the intensity a bit.  This movie could very well be the answer for a dont do drugs campaign for high school kids.  It revolves around a burn out stoner who lives in a drug induced haze who happens to take partying a little to far one night.  She wakes up with no memory and something growing in her womb.  A baby you ask?  Well it may be a bit more than that, but you have to watch!  There are some serious gross out scenes and the whole thing is a bit weird but very interesting!  Natasha Lyonne is outstanding as the crude, waste of space, and Meg Tilly comes out of nowhere almost unrecognizable.  I love Sevigny, and was disappointed that she didn't show skin, but was still great.  Give this odd tale a shot on Netflix, but make sure your not eating while you watch, especially anything with cheese. :)

FYI:  With a $3.5 Million budget, this film was a total flop.


Monday, June 18, 2018


How much do you actually know about your family?  I mean really know?  Especially those who are older or may have passed on.  What did they do with their lives and what direction did they take to preserve the future of their family?  Well, if your family is anything like this one, you're fucked!  This movie has been impatiently anticipated as one of the scariest movies of all time.  I would disagree but I would also say it is one of the most well made horror movies of all time.  The first 30-40 minutes is a more heartbreaking and sad film than anything.  It really makes you feel despair, and emotional but when you least expect it, it turns on you to become pure horror!  The slow burning horror scenes are extremely well done from the lighting, to the actions, to the premise and situation of each minor detail.  It chills your bones and sticks with you as the creepy almost too real relevance of terror.  This is absolutely one for the horror and suspense fan but be sure to keep your eyes open, you don't want to miss the subtle freakishness of background scares throughout.

FYI:  The son really breaks his nose on his desk during the filming.


Incredibles 2

Stupid, and totally unrealistic!  Seriously, a family of animated heroes who can save the world, with a baby!?!?  Lame!  Okay, I'm kidding, I have been waiting for 14 years to see the sequel to the best  animated Disney movie of all time!  It didn't disappoint, at all!  I have always loved the voice cast here and with it beginning exactly where the last one left off was perfect.  It makes you think you didn't miss a beat in the lives of the Incredibles.  Great villain with a cool way of taking over the world.  Although I loved all the characters in this movie, Jack Jack really stole the show!  The new supers had some fun powers and their innocence was greatly appreciated.  This is another Pixar smash that will go down in the books as another one of the greatest.

FYI:  Edna Mode is voiced by director Brad Bird



Did you hear the one about the Cowboy, the Indian and the widow who walks into a bar?  Well this aint it, but it is almost as good as the quality of that joke!  The year is 1892, this is a time period where human life of a different race really doesn't matter.  Going across the prairie lands as a white man your biggest worries are Cheyenne, Comanche, and Apache.  As a Native American your biggest threat is the civil war soldier, or the white hunter.  Now throw in a widow who just had to bury her family and you've got yourself a wild ride.  This was a great slow burn that had some amazing acting.  Each role was written specifically for the actors playing their parts and I have to say, Bale was incredible.  There is a genuine chemistry between him and the Natives he is escorting across the west and he plays the role of a seasoned and somewhat damaged soldier perfectly.  A disturbing time period that is portrayed as true to life as you would expect.  Give this one a watch, its great!

FYI:  A few actors suffered from heat stroke as the majority of the movie was filmed outside.


Solo-A Star Wars Story

There is a small franchise you may have heard of called, "Star Wars".  If you haven't to be honest it is kind of like the nerd bible with unlimited story lines stemming from the origin of space battles.  Oh, you have heard of it?  Well this popular character finally has his own pre-story movie that the nerd universe has been waiting for since the late 70's.  It's Han Solo, one of the most beloved characters in the galaxy!  What is there to say of the story that you dont already know other than how each scenario played out.  I will sum up the good for you first; initial meet with Lando and the space poker game, meeting with Chewy, doing the Kessel run that Han has been bragging about for decades, and no Han story would be complete without a love interest.  His irresistible charm has been there since birth apparently.  Overall I really liked the movie, the Easter eggs, the way it played out giving some insight to past story lines BUT, I thought the actor playing Han fell a little short.  The flow of the movie seemed a little forced as the writing was close but missing something, and like all Star Wars movies, this one payed a little too much attention to a single event for too long (the train scene).  If you are a true fan, this movie is a must see, but if you are true fan you have already seen it so I am just talking to myself at this point!

FYI:  Chewey is played by a former Penn State University basketball player.



Ahhh, the future.  Where anything is possible, including having artificial intelligence take over you body to become a bad ass street fighter.  No, this wasn't the Matrix, this was a whole new take on the futuristic computerized brain implant, and it was awesome.  In short, the story unfolds like this:  Grey, a bit of a technophobe who loves the classics and old school type possessions, becomes paralyzed due to a car accident.  He is then given an experimental implant called "Stem" to take over the functions of his body and help him become mobile again.  His thirst for revenge due to an incident that I wont spoil here gives Stem the ability to help him become an ass-kicking machine.  The movie was much better than expected with a good plot, great acting, and fun story line.  Grey, played by Logan Marshall-Green, who is a bit of the poor mans Tom Hardy, is good in everything he does.  He was a breath of fresh air in this flick and was cast perfectly.  There are a few obvious twists and some cheese but overall, great movie worth watching.  Give this one a shot!

FYI:  Somewhat hidden, you can see the puppet from Saw painted on the wall.  Same director.


Monday, May 21, 2018

The Void

Whaaaa??  Not sure what I just watched other than the fact Aaron Pool, who is an Aaron Paul look a like, did a stand up job in fighting a monster that looked like Pizza the Hut!  So apparently this is set in a land where cops are huge pussies, hillbillies can walk around carrying guns and shooting anything they want, and the only hospital in town is a broke down chop shop!  The creepy place is now on its haunting hour, (I think) and a bunch of hooded cult members are trying to do....something (I think)?  Enter some creepy monsters and some cheesy gore, and you have The Void!  I enjoyed it but could have done without the monsters, or at least the last one.  It was better with the cult members terrorizing the hospital.  I would suggest this movie as a "keeps your interest till the very end" type of film.  Fun acting and the blood and guts are outrageous.  Now make a plate of greasy and slimy nachos and start watchin!

FYI:  Crowd funded project.  Some serious loyal geeks!


Thursday, May 3, 2018


Ahhh, the old corporate retreat.  Most of us have been to one, and make no mistake, no matter what industry you are in they are all bad.  Lot's of corporate lingo, false motivation, fake cheers, righteousness, synergies and efficiency's, ass kissing, name dropping, and all around fun killing.  Yep, those are the ones.  Well how about a different kind of retreat?  One where you are "reborn" in a sense.  Its extreme, its dangerous, its sexy, and with the amount of brainwashing, you just may make it out a changed man!  It is basically like an Amway conference on steroids.  Poor Kyle, a middle aged business man with a family who lives in as they say "A Zombie State" is tricked by his old college friend to attend the Rebirth retreat, only to find out it is not quite what it seems.  This was a pretty good Netflix original but there were some pretty obvious holes here.  First off it was a pretty direct rip off of "The Game".  The flow was a little off, it seemed very rushed at some points and way to slow in others.  I felt like there should have been another 1/2 hour of the film giving it more substance.  The ending was a bit unexpected and somewhat original but not sure if I agree with the decision.  Overall I liked it and would watch it again, but of course anything with the over the top, ever so hot, hot, hot Nicky Whelan in it, I could stare at for hours.  No matter how bad the movie is!

FYI:  Harry Hamlin has a bit part playing exactly the type of guy you think he is in real life.


Carnage Park

Nothin better than a road trip through the desert, warm calm winds, no clouds in the sky, the sun shining down and sniper bullets ripping through your flesh!  Sounds like a nice afternoon, right?  Carnage Park isn't your average, run of the mill leisure spot.  Nope, its private property fenced in and owned by a sadistic sniper who is hell bent on sending his victims through a world of torture and fear before killing them.  Enter Scorpion Joe and his hostage.  He is a bank robber who is on the run from his last heist.  After taking a hostage he finds himself in the desert being hunted.  Is he a match for the killer?  How about his hostage, timid bystander who is played by Ashley Bell who is constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time.  This movie is stylish and cool but not short on gore and horror.  It is a great survival film that is dirty, and grimy but fun!  Good gem on Netflix, it does have its faults but the characters are outstanding and the creepy setting is excellent.  Give this one a shot, pun intended.

FYI:  The hand scene is done in a single take, and is really gross!


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Perfect Host

Having a dinner party?  I suggest inviting your closest friends then throw in an on the run criminal just to mess with his head!  What could go wrong?  Especially if your closest friends are so close they actually live inside your head!  This is a great find on Netflix that keeps you wanting more after each scene.  The film revolves around an injured bank robber who takes refuge in a strangers house after manipulating him into helping him.  He then finds that the host is not everything he seems to be.  David Hyde Pierce is outstanding as the host with the most.  He plays many parts and is extremely well rounded as a man not quite right in the head.  The movie has some holes of course but it is truly fun and exciting with a lot of little twists that keeps the roller coaster going.  If you watch this and aren't too nit-picky you will love it.  There are some key scenes that are movie greatness, one is a choreographed dance scene, one is a change of character and another a simulated sex scene.  Hello to the Host!

FYI:  Anyone remember Helen Ready?  I do (thanks Mom), and she makes an appearance!


Monday, April 30, 2018

Mexico Barbaro

Speak Spanish?  Who cares!  Crank up the subtitles and sit back for an incredible ride!  A Netflix gem here for sure and for those of you who dont appreciate some sick twisted shit, might be better to skip this one.  Another anthology film that has 8 disturbing Mexican horror stories, and they dont disappoint!  So a few are a little over the top, and a bit corny at times not to mention they have the slow burn of your typical indie with wasted "too long" shots of a tree or the wall, but great none the less.  Each story is gruesome in its own way and they dont skimp on the blood, grotesque situations, rape, creature rape, revenge, and mystery!  There is good and bad acting, some really intelligent story lines and some just for the shock factor.  With a little more finding and a bigger budget this could have gone from great to amazing, fortunately I heard there is a part 2!  Lets go Netflix, bring it!  Oh, and be sure to eat a creamy soup or cheese while watching this, you wont regret it. :)

FYI:  Winner of the "Fright Nights" film festival!


Den of Thieves

You could watch the trailer for this and think, "oh, another heist movie where the bad guys are always one step ahead, the cops are just as slimy as the punks, and by throwing in a bunch of stars they will fill the seats for an empty film".  You could say that, and you may be a tad bit on the right path but in my opinion, this movie gives so much more.  There is not a lot unique about the plot here, its bad guys robbing a bank vault and the cops right on their tail.  The cops are just as bad ready to shoot first and ask questions later but there is a bit more in the plan ans scheme of things that keeps you guessing for a while.  The good guy vs bad guy on screen chemistry between Schreiber and Butler is genius and most of the casting is great.  As far as 50 cent goes, he could just stay out of Hollywood and movies, forever.  This was about as macho as it gets with dirt, grit, tattoos, swollen muscles, booze, chicks, and some pretty awesome shoot em up scenes.  There is a small part where one of the daughters has her Prom date come to pick her up and the dad takes him to the garage where all the buffed up criminals are pumping iron which was unnecessary but really cool.  Ice Cube's son starts off a little shaky but ends up controlling the screen and Butler is perfect.  Great movie that I will watch again.

FYI:  Butler gained 25 lbs for this role.


Molly's Game

Ever gone to a poker night with the guys at someones kitchen table where the buy in is between $25-$50?  You plan for 3-4 hours up and down deciding the players who are lucky and the ones who really know how to play the game.  Then there are the ones who just pretend, and typically they are the most dangerous because they have no idea what position they are in most of the time.  That player is me BTW.  Well now take that example and throw in a minimum buy in of $50k!  Now its time for excitement, and this movie gives you all the excitement you can handle!  This is a docu-drama style film that celebrates the narrative of greats like Goodfellas, I Tonya, and The Social Network.  Based on the true story of Molly Bloom, an elite Olympic skier with hopes of getting the gold only to injure herself on the slope and finding her way into a Hollywood elite, high stakes poker game.  Not a player, but a co-host.  At this, her genius mind takes her to the top with her own game hosting high stakes and creating an underground "everything" game.  this comes to a fall when she is arrested by the Fed's and has to deal with the courts to fight for her freedom.  This has everything you need for an outstanding movie. It is completely addictive and will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time!

FYI:  Molly Bloom claims she witnessed $100 Million lost in a single card game


Friday, April 20, 2018

Wind River

If anything will teach you not to throw litter at the foot of an Indian on the side of the road, nothing will!  If you want to experience the White Mans Burden, watch this film!  Who says you cant have your land, here is a frozen tundra out in the middle of nowhere!  Is that enough racist puns?  Okay, I will leave the sarcasm behind because this movie was amazing!  This is a true hidden gem, probably because its another I have skipped over plenty and didn't expect much.  It was a heartbreaking story of the investigation of a murder on an Indian reservation that turns all out thriller/mystery and wont disappoint!  Renner plays the part of the soft spoken bad ass perfectly and the addition of the Olsen girl was a good touch.  She plays the wide eyed, green FBI agent on her first real case.  BTW, when did she get really hot?  The acting in this is great and it creates each character individually with out overdoing it.  The story intertwines with other stories but doesn't make it to complicated.  The entire film wowed me and had outstanding cinematography.  This is one you can find on Amazon and should watch immediately.  It will make you cold so bring a blanket.

FYI:  This film is based on actual events!


Shimmer Lake

Netflix knows how to rustle up the all star cast lately, and they rarely disappoint.  Shimmer lake is one that you skip over on the Que every time isn't it?  I have at least 20 times, until I found that Dwight Schrute was one of the stars!  How can you not watch something with Rainn Wilson, he is phenomenal.  This one has him and a number of  equals that keeps this not so unique story alive and fresh.  The story is about a crime that is so bizarre, the best way to tell it is in reverse.  Well, they probably didn't have to but why the hell not, it worked, and made it super fun.  It is categorized as a thriller, but definitely more of a black comedy.  A bank robbery goes bad and has some of the usual suspects involved including, the dopey brother, the career criminal, the town judge and bank owner, the sheriff, the poor battered wife, the idiot wife, the gay guy, and the Feds.  If that doesn't tell you what you want to hear, that this one is not for you!  Great acting, perfect amount of humor and repetition, fun story and the cast is all over the place.  Definitely worth the watch and trust me you will want to watch it again.

FYI:  Many Stephen King references and hidden "eggs".



Stop me if you have heard this scenario in a movie before, Plane crashed on a deserted island only to divide the survivors in a psychological drama exploring the depths of how animalistic man can be!  Oh, you have?  100 times before?  Well than whats one more!  Here we have it, a recommended film to watch from Netflix that was 89% match due to the other movies I have watched and liked (filled with guilt).  This one is no exception, although tacky, unoriginal, "B" rated acting at best, and not to mention a total "Lord of the Flies" rip off, I enjoyed it.  I know, many of you may say that I enjoy every movie (which I kind of do) but when it comes down to it this was more of a guilty pleasure.  Here is my breakdown of the Good, Bad and Ugly of "Eden".  The Good:  Premise of an athletic team crash landing was enticing and a pretty cool start, plus the chicks were hot.  The Bad:  After like 3 days they were going crazy, like certifiably insane.  All they had to do was dub in a screen text of day 37 or something like that.  The Ugly:  Acting was pretty wooden, the crucial thinking was numb, and the main dudes miraculously became ultimate warriors.  Oh, did I mention this was a soccer team?!  Ok, for a late night "non thinker" but nothing more than that.  Have fun!

FYI:  You can see the actors look at the camera a few times during this film.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Florida Project

If you need a good idea of how children become a product of environment, I think movie serves as the universal manual.  I am not surprised at the fact you may not have heard of this movie although I am shocked that it wasn't more heavily publicized.  It was up for a few awards this year but don't think it took home much.  My first thought when writing this review was to be sarcastic and be my usual smart ass but the more I think of this film the more I really, really enjoyed it.  It was a bit disturbing due to the fact that these poor kids have nothing, and are basically abandoned most of the day but there was a calming sense of joy in their still pure minds.  Unfortunately the single parent, who in the majority of the situations are making all the wrong decisions and screwing themselves.  It is your classic story of the welfare parent complaining about never getting a break and that the world is against them all the while acting like a fucking idiot and playing the lazy victim.  The story revolves around the tenants who live full time in a hotel as it is really the only place they have to go.  The management rules say this is prohibited, but Bobby, who is one of the managers has a soft spot for everyone and goes out of his way to make exceptions.  The acting in this movie was phenomenal all around!  Dafoe was absolutely controlling the screen the entire time and I would boldly say this is his best role!  It is a bit of a downer but heartwarming all the same.  Free on Amazon Prime, so give it a shot!

FYI:  Dafoe spent time living in the actual hotel to get a sense of the environment and people there.


A Quiet Place

When you hear, "Don't Speak" do you think of a shitty 90's No Doubt song?  Well not after you watch this excellent thriller!  If you haven't heard, it is this years "Get Out".  The new age, smart horror/thriller that is winning over the critics and crushing it on Rotten Tomatoes.  The premise is easy; Creatures have taken over and they hunt by sound.  They have incredible hearing and are extremely quick and deadly.  Well, family in the woods has transformed their farm into a make-shift quiet area only to survive.  The problem is they have kids, and we all know how quiet kids can be, right?  Ha!  Trick question, they cant!  Just to throw fuel on the fire, the idiots went and got themselves knocked up, again!  Now they are going to bring a screaming baby into a world where silence is survival.  Sound impossible?  Not for Krazinski and crew!  This movie was tense, stylistic, and very well written.  With little dialogue, and a lot of silence it crawls slowly to creep up on you when you least expect it.  I have never been to a movie that was so loud and so quiet all at the same time.  This is a must see for the sophisticated fan of intensity and suspense.  Spring for the theater, its worth it.

FYI:  This was originally going to be part of the Cloverfield franchise.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Horror Network

Pay no attention to the cheese-ball cover, this hidden, low budget, disturbing gem is well worth the watch!  Amazon Prime in the archives, and as I mentioned pretty disturbing footage.  Not sure if you know but I love anthology movies, especially of the horror genre.  In the celebrations of Tales From the Darkside, and Creepshow, this one is a much more mature and well thought film.  5 Short stories that begin with a creepy, suspenseful and mysterious phone call at 3am.  The woman home alone experiences a psychological fear that is a slow burn and enough to give you anyone some paranoia.  The films continue to get more harsh as we move to a split personality segment, then to a handicap school girl both troubling stories.  Then we got to the real meat and potatoes.  A Christmas story that you wont forget and a disturbed neighbor who ends the film with a dirty and sick feeling for you to take to bed with you.  This is a must see for the true fan, if your not and cant handle the low budget, you may want to stay away.

FYI:  200 short films were reviewed before the final selection


Monday, April 9, 2018

Ready Player One

In the year 2045, society is still hanging on every 80's reference!  Does that mean it was the greatest decade?  Probably not, but quite possibly the most original and creative.  If you haven't seen RPO yet, you must do it immediately!  If your not sure I will try my best to deliver a synopsis that does it justice, but I will likely fail.  In the future the economic hardship has taken its toll on the world and society is addicted to an escape through a virtual world.  This world was created by an uber intelligent gamer who was obsessed with the 80's.  Well his challenge is that he has hidden 3 Easter Eggs within his world and whoever finds them will receive a boat-load of money.  The the race begin!  This movie was cool, cool, cool!  Around every corner is an 80's and 90's pop culture reference that is super fun.  I always thought the previews looked good but it wasn't until my good pseudo-famous friend and neighbor told me it is one of the best books he has ever read.  The acting and story were good, but they were very overshadowed by the hidden references and animation that wasn't a disappointment.  This is an excellent movie for the whole family.

FYI:  Spielberg actually made another movie (The Post) while waiting for the special effects to be completed for this one!


They Look Like People

You know that person we all know that is just a little bit off.  A tad creepy at times, and just not the one you want around with complete confidence.  We all know him, and if you don't then guess what...
Anyway, after watching this, you may be just a little more reluctant to have him over for a sleepover anytime soon.  This low budget flick was quite a good find and surprised me even after deciding I was too tired to start a movie.  The movie surrounds a man who is convinced he is one of the few real people left in the world as evil creatures have taken over the bodies of humanity.  Or he is just a schitzo, even he isn't convinced of either.  After reminiscing with an old friend, they begin to reconnect and the main character begins to suspect everything is wrong.  Put to the test, and to wait until the last minute he must come to a healthy conclusion or something dire may happen to everyone he knows.  Good acting considering the low budget, cool story and a lot left to your imagination.  This is a great one on Netfix that may have some slow parts but will worth the watch.

FYI:  Bob Dobbelina is referenced in this film as a PhD.  If you know the actual reference you have just dated yourself! :)


The Pool

Go camping with your family and friends they said.  It will be fun they said!  Well not in this Dutch creepy thriller, AKA "The Pool".  Another title could have been, "Don't fuck with Dad when he has a vacation in mind!"  This was a good hidden gem find on Amazon about two families who go on holiday together camping in the deep woods.  They finally find the perfect spot next to a watering hole.  The kids are told a ghost story and immediately after strange events start to happen within the group.  To make matters worse Dad starts to go a bit crazy, and then a lot crazy!  Secrets come out and a sickness starts to spread throughout with an overlay of something paranormal happening.  The acting was really pretty good, the story was just mysterious enough to keep you guessing and the events that unfold become pretty disturbing.  If you are a fan of the horror/thriller genre this is a must watch.  Keep in mind, there are some slow portions of the movie but it continues to build the tension.  Now get your camping gear and prepare to watch this flick!

FYI:  While filming this movie strange occurrences started to happen to the crew's food.


Monday, March 26, 2018


Is she, or isnt she?  Well, weather or not they tell you, she is because she is your typical neurotic young professional who loves drama!  Amidst the horrible reviews I thought this movie was awesome!  Of course there were some holes and parts were a little unbelievable as I found myself wondering why the hell the character didn't just do (blank).  Then I thought, oh ya, people are mostly idiots in real life as well so that was pretty much par for the course.  The lead actress, Claire Foy played the part of an over dramatic, sociopath very well although I was constantly distracted as she is a perfect cross between Kristen Stewart, Kristen Wigg, and Emily Blunt with a voice like Holly Hunter.  It was eerie and I couldnt get it out of my head.  SO basically the girl mistakenly, voluntarily admits herself to a mental institution at a minimum 24 hold.  Discovering what she has done she becomes unstable and violent only further committing herself to a 7 day hold.  During this time, low and behold she finds that one of the orderlies working the ward is none other than, wait for it, her former stalker!  Or is it?  Is she just crazy?  This movie is cool and stylish with Hitchcock type camera angles and suspense that makes you wonder if any of it is really happening.  The best part, good ole Matt Damon himself shows up for a bit part!

FYI:  The entire movie was filmed with an iPhone camera and in only 10 days!


Only the Brave

Dry desert brush, winds, wild fire, and firefighters.  There is a serious weight of balance here that leads to an extremely unfortunate event in Arizona.  This movie is based on the true story of the Yarnell Hill Fire close to Prescott, AZ in which 19 brave Hot Shots tragically died fighting a historic wild fire.  These were some of the most conditioned and well equipped crew members ever and were unfortunately caught in an impossible situation.  This movie was outstanding and heartbreaking at the same time.  It did hit a little close to home as it happened only a few hours from where I live and was in the area shortly after it happened.  The acting was superb, the casting was great and the writing kept you wanting more throughout the entire picture.  It really draws you into the character development and leaves you breathless thinking of how you would feel being the only surviving member of the crew walking into a room with the widows of everyone else.  This is a must watch movie that hopefully honors the members of the brave crew who gave their lives to protect a small AZ town.

FYI:  Largest single loss of firefighter life since 9/11


Friday, March 23, 2018


Take Blade Runner, The 5th Element, and Kingpin, roll them all together only keeping the best of each film (cinematography, sci-fi representation, and comedy involving the Amish) and bam!  You get a very well done Netflix gem called "Mute"  The movie is quite weird as the setting is futuristic Berlin filled with robots, sexual deviants, gangsters, AWOL soldiers, and of course, Amish.  Basically what you have is an Amish bartender who is mute due to the fact he was in a boating accident as a child cutting open his throat.  He is in love with one of the barmaids and when she goes missing he gets wrapped up in the underworld trying to find her.  Enter the best part of the film, Paul Rudd.  He plays Cactus Bill, an AWOL Army surgeon who is a complete slime ball (and only half as bad as his partner).  He is the life blood of this film!  I have a hard time finding anything Rudd has done that is bad, but this may be his best role.  The story and premise is great and I would recommend it to anyone, especially those who like the strange and Macabre type movies.  Netflix has once again entertained me!

FYI:  David Hasselhoff is on the currency in this movie, look hard and you will see him!


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Lady Bird

Another celebrated Oscar Nominee for 2017, and rightly so!  Dont get me wrong, it was no "Three Billboards" but pretty damn good, especially if you have a teenage daughter.  As a father of one, I often say either to myself or to my daughter, "Good God, just stop being so damn dramatic, the world doesn't revolve around you and you have it pretty good".  You know, things like that.  Well I think I would absolutely say the same things to Lady Bird, a name she gave herself because going by her parental given name is fascist and dis-empowering.  Of course, because high school age kids know everything and have the right answer 100% of the time, just ask them.  So this is a good coming of age story like so many before it dealing with real issues and a real struggling family connected by love.  Although sometimes hidden by greater emotions there is a true bond with this young woman and her family and the acting perfectly portrays it throughout the entire movie.  This was an excellent rendition of suburban, american life in today's society going along with the pressures of media, adults, and peer pressure in the world of growing up.  This is another must see and may open your eyes to the youth of today.  Or, it may just make you roll your eyes and say, whatever.

FYI:  "Lady Bird" is best known for the nickname given to Claudia Taylor Johnson, the wife of former President LBJ.


Bomb City

Well if I have ever seen a Boo-Hoo, poor me movie in my life its this one!  Sniff, sobb, cry, why do people treat us different with 37 piercings in my face, a 3 foot mo-hawk, a shirt that says "Fuck You" and watching me break bottles on the street and spray paint someones building?  I am so labeled and persecuted by the main-stream, all I am doing is trying to express my unique individualism. :(
Dont worry jocks, your not going to get off that easy either.  Poor me, I wear a letter man's jacket, and wear the newest Nike high tops, and drive a big Texas truck.  Dont forget about the date rape drugs, the stealing beer from my parents liquor cabinet, and run over street signs.  Why are the cops always on our ass?!?!  Okay, so in all reality, this was a pretty good movie.  Based on a true story about a Punk in a small TX town who gets killed by a jock during a brawl and gets off in court because of "the way he looked".  Meh, maybe.  Actually the only reason I watched this is a kid I want to college with posted about how real to life it is from the perspective of someone who grew up in the "Scene".  Again, meh, maybe.  I dont quite buy it because the movie was all based on a one sided view of how pure and good hearted the Punks really were and how terrible and shallow the Jocks were.  There weren't two sides so it is very skewed.  Give this a shot as it is a good story and good film making but keep an open mind, and dont expect to go out and give money to your local punk community.

FYI:  The last film to feature Ron Lester (Billy Bob from Varsity Blues) he was a producer.


Black Panther

Apparently there is a new Marvel Superhero movie out about a guy who dresses up as a black cat with super abilities and a fierce temper.  Its either Batman's love interest Catwoman, or Black Panther, or one of the Thundercats, or Hellcat, or......whatever, I am stretching it now.  I think from the movie it was Black Panther, you know the guy who shows up out of no where in Civil War and kicks ass.  Well this movie did just that!  Here is the scoop; T'Challa, the king of Wakanda rises to the throne and claims his place as king only to be challenged by a vengeful rogue warrior played by the awesome Michael B Jordan.  No, not THE Michael Jordan, although he is playing basketball in the movie as a kid???  MBJ steals the show in this movie, he is jacked and plays the part of the villain perfectly.  He is only upstaged a few times by Danai Gurira (better known as Michonne from The Walking Dead).  She rocks her role in this as well.  I would say it is in my top 5 favorite Marvel movies of all time.  The flow was really good, it didnt stall, it had a great story and didnt try to incorporate too much.  I loved it.  This is a definite go see in the theaters!

FYI:  As of March 9, 2018 this film has grossed over $940,000,000.  Not bad


A Futile and Stupid Gesture

Much credit to Henry Beard and Doug Kenney, Harvard grads who became the creators of the most influential comedy of the 70's and 80's.  This movie in the celebration of "Drunk, Stoned, Brilliant, Dead" was outstanding.  Sure, some may think its crude and a tongue in cheek kind of a slap in the face of a horrific and tragic event, but in all reality, that is exactly what they wanted!  This was an excellent "mocumentary" of the creators of National Lampoon, arguably some of the most cutting edge comedy of two decades creating movies and skits that are still quoted and referenced to this day.  If you have ever watched "Animal House", or "Caddie Shack" you will know exactly what I am talking about.  Watching this made me realize, even after seeing the movies a million times that even Saturday Night Live stole skits, and actors from this realm.  This movie had me laugh out loud and I stood up to cheer for how well Will Forte and Joel McHale portrayed the real life characters.  If you like dry humor and a bit of raunch this is the one for you!  Netflix original, and one of its best!

FYI:  There are a number of cameos in this film, including Paul Rudd (see if you notice)


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Man Down

I know what you are thinking, another Middle Eastern War Drama.  Or perhaps, Ugh, Shia LaBeouf, will this guy just go away!  Maybe your thinking, Oh, so a rip off of American Sniper.  Well, you are not all wrong, or right?  Well, love him or hate him, LaBeouf has got some serious acting chops, and can really transform himself into the role!  He will not disappoint in this flick that I just happen to stumble across on Amazon the other day.  So the premise is an aftermath of a tour in Afghanistan, where an infantry Marine is going through some pretty tough PTSD, and consulting with the Marine psychologist.  The story goes back and forth a bit telling the story of his family, his war time experience and his emotional tie to his best friend.  There are a lot of moving parts in this that may confuse you at first but trust me, comes together at the end and really throws you for a loop.  The directing in this is outstanding and there are some extremely emotional scenes that will give you a bit of a gut check.  Definitely worth the watch for the story line and acting, but I think you will like the movie all-together.

FYI:  Only sold one ticket in the UK on opening weekend!


Game Night

Who doesn't like Jason Bateman?  Seriously!  This guy can play the quirky but confident next door neighbor in anything and pull it off, and he does again in Game Night"!  Not quite all comedy, not quite all thriller or action, but all fun!  I will admit I was a bit tipsy while watching this but remember having a ton of fun in the theater.  The premise is the main couple met on a game night and has been involved with game nights including their friends throughout their whole relationship.  They all take it way too seriously and even exclude certain people from it due to not meshing with the crowd.  Well the rich, successful brother comes to join one night and decides to take it up a notch by using a real life scenario kidnap type of game, what could go wrong?  Great actors, funny situations and your typical shtick that is modern and campy but very well played out.  This is a definite to go see with some friends and drinks!

FYI:  Denzell Washington has a cameo in this film, and another at the end (or does he)?


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri

In the Spirit of Oscar week, once again the blog is going to focus on a few of the front runners from the wealthy lefties of Hollywood.  First off you have the movie that made the least amount of roar in the theaters, only to come out as a monster during sweeps week, 3 Billboards!  A vast array of characters mix their multiple personality nuances in a small town in Missoura.  That is a recipe for disaster, and disaster strikes in every corner.  Not only does this movie provide some of the best performances of each "A" list actor who is in it, it also has a story that will knock you on your butt!  A grieving and pissed off mother of a daughter who was murdered decides to stir up some major emotion in the town by renting 3 billboards with a simple message asking why no arrests have been made.  The red neck Sheriff, the racist bully deputy, the family's around town, along with a wide group of angry nay-sayers make life rather difficult for the situation.  Throw in a midget and some serious twists and you've got yourself an Oscar contender!  This movie was outstanding, that is all I have to say other than, go see it now!

FYI:  Woody spent most of his off time between shoots signing autographs and hanging out with the locals.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Don't Hang Up

Remember this one?  RING, RING, "Hello" is your refrigerator running?  "Yes"  then you better go catch it!  HAHAHAHA!  No?  Oh, well my childhood was pretty dull and when it came to entertaining ourselves before smart phones and caller ID, we just did the old "Prank Call" routine.  In this twisted tale, a couple of teenagers decide to pull back a few too many cold ones and make some prank calls of their own, with a bit of a twist.  These cocky bastards want to terrorize the victim pretending to be the cops, or a thief in the house or whatever until they screw with the wrong recipient!  Their night of fun quickly turns into a nightmare and they become the prey.  The movie was somewhat predictable and a bit cheesy, such as unrealistic reactions to situations that would probably never work out.  I did like the suspense and the ending reveal but it wasn't quite enough to set it up for a 4 star review.  It was a free streaming flick so worth the watch but proceed with caution, it might not keep you on the edge of your seat like you want.

FYI:  Do people still prank call???



Wat, ah yah one of those southie smaht kids?  That was just a short representation of what I liked best about this movie, the total entrenched Boston accents.  I love to hear and imitate that accent but when I hear women talk like that I cringe because its wicked annoying!  Well, here is the true story of Jeff Bauman played by one of our favorites, good ole Jake.  You remember Bauman right?  The ordinary, no goals, drunk dipshit who was at the wrong place at the wrong time (which was a miracle he even got out of bed that day to be honest).  Okay, jokes aside he was one of the unfortunate spectators of the Boston Marathon who was injured due to the bombing.  He lost both of this legs and the story is of his struggles, menacing family, and ultimately his comeback.  It is a very "Hollywood-ized" movie but the story is pretty incredible.  For one, if I had his family and their loud, rude, no filter demeanor I would have wished to loose my head instead of legs!  Too soon?  Sorry.  The greatest part of the story is the scene where he finally meets the mysterious cowboy-hat wearing man who basically saved his life.  Talk about a tear-jerker!  Definitely give this one a shot!

FYI:  Many of the real doctors played themselves in the unscripted hospital scenes.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I Tonya

Did you hear the one about the Olympic figure skating scandal involving a few of the top ranked female skaters in the world?  You know, where the husband hires a couple of thugs to bash the knee caps of the champ?  Oh, don't remember that huh?  You may be too young to enjoy this one then but if you want an awesome depiction of some bizarre history in sports this is it!  Lets start with the acting, phenomenal!  We all know these actors can in fact act by their resume but Robbie kills the Harding attitude and poor me demeanor.  Unfortunately she is so much hotter than the real Tonya it was a bit distracting.  Then you have Janney who dominated the screen.  She was evil, selfish, white trash, and so damn real that she crushed this role.  If she doesn't win for best supporting something is definitely wrong with the voting (newsflash).  The scene cutting and breaking the 4th wall was very direct and original which really brought the movie together.  There are quite a few ice skating scenes where you think, wow, did Robbie actually learn how to skate for this?  The CGI was very well done and made it look extremely real.  It was a bit like Goodfellas met Ice Skating and really succeeded.  I would watch this movie again and put it up there as Outstanding!

FYI:  Janney actually was a trained ice skater until an accident to her leg forced her out.


The Open House

Trying to sell your home?  Well I suggest holding an Open House, especially when the place contains a basement full creepy stone tunnel areas.  Actually, it would make for a perfect wine cellar in this flick!  First off I enjoyed this little throw away, it was more than I expected and less than it should have been.  It really went through the check list of what to do for a creepy, suspense thriller.  Here is the list they used if you want to make one yourself:  First, start with a tragedy in the family that sends them out of their comfort zone.  Next, throw in a creepy, small town with out of touch residents.  Now, make everyone a little too suspicious, including the family members.  Then, have unexplained things happen in the house that should freak you out, and do nothing about it.  Finally, throw in a killer, or maybe its not a killer?!?  You can fine tune the rest with audibles such as bitter teenager, token black guy, un-used room, etc.  Take it for what it is, and there will be no awards here, just good old fashion mindless suspense.  Its another Netflix original and easy to watch with decent acting, its worth it.

FYI:  Beware, you would probably do everything different in this situation!


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Evil Things

First thought?  Does this look like another low budget horror flick with the same boring screams and slashes?  At first glance you may think so but it aint!  I had the please to meet the Writer/Director of this in Phoenix last weekend, Dominic Perez.  I had the first instincts of, "sure you did a couple of movies?"  Well, as you know about me, I jumped at the chance to check out a found footage, low budget, horror flick, after all they are my favorite!  I went in thinking, bad acting, bad lighting, boring and drawn out story, and cheesy music.  I was so wrong!  I loved this flick!  So keep in mind the small budget and not having the backing of a Hollywood juggernaut, this played out very well!  5 fiends travel to upstate NY to have a long weekend at a family members secluded home in the woods.  Along the way they are put on edge by an idiot driver during the snow storm.  Once at the home some odd events start to unfold only to put them in harms way.  There were some very unique elements of this film such as a plot that takes you in a few different directions (paranormal, home invasion, Blair Witch???)  The acting was quite good as it seemed very real to me, not "acted".  The actors were very "next door" looking which made the film that much more believable.  Give this one a shot on Amazon Prime.  It may not be fore everyone, but after getting into it at night you may get a bit of the creeps.

FYI:  3 months to write, 7 days to shoot, and 1 month to edit.


The Girl on the Train

Ever been so wasted that you cant remember what you did last night?  How about for the last few years?  Oh, c'mon, you know the times when you fill an entire sports bottle with vodka and take it down while hangin on the commuter train.  Really?  Not you?  Uhhhhh, well you might not be able to relate to this movie as much as I did then.  Did I spoil the plot for you?  Here it is:  Raggedy drunk rides the commuter train to NY everyday spying on the homes that are built a little too close to the tracks if you ask me.  Well, she just so happens to see every detail of an important incident in these peoples lives.  Enough to get tangled in their web of lies and deceit.  Oh, another factor.  One of them is her ex-husband with his new wife and child.  Coincidence?  I THINK NOT!  This is a great mystery/thriller along the lines of all the hottest "scorn-wife" books that are taking the world by storm right now.  In the spirit of "Gone Girl", "The Wife Between Us", and "The Girl in the Window" it doesn't disappoint.  Blunt plays a real piece of crap extremely well, and Bennett is an almost doppelganger to Jennifer Lawrence.  They only accent the other great cast members who really give a great performance.  This is a great sit back and enjoy thriller that you wont want to miss.

FYI:  Blunt wore bloodshot contacts and cheek prosthetics for her alcoholic character.


Monday, January 8, 2018


"It will be fun", they said.  "Lets have an adventure", they said.  "Cancel your plane tickets", they said.  Now look!  I am trapped in the God Damn Amazon Jungle!!!  This is a true hidden gem, and absolutely one of the most underrated movies of last year.  I barely heard anything about it, and the critics weren't all that generous with the film but I thought is was amazing!  I am not a huge Radcliffe fan other than this and "Horns".  He usually is just a grown up version of Harry Potter, but he really shines in this picture having some seriously terrifying moments of being isolated in the jungle.  He plays Yossi Ghinsberg, author of the book in which this story is based.   The story is three friends back-packing in South America find a shady guide who will take them on a true adventure off the beaten path and in to the actual jungle, no tourist crap.  They are reluctant at first and succumb as the sales pitch is just to overwhelming.  They experience first hand the depths and dangers of the jungle only to be separated and having to find for themselves.  There is some great cinematography, unbelievable situations, and gruesome truths as to what would happen after weeks in the trenches.  The best part is, this is a true story!  Definitely give this a shot, it is worth it and will make you think twice about traveling off the beaten path (in the jungle).

FYI:   It would have been impossible for McLean to condense all of Ghinsberg's trials into one movie, which unfortunately left out:
  • When Ghinsberg woke up covered in leeches.
  • When Ghinsberg slipped down a slope and impaled his rectum on a broken stick.
  • When Ghinsberg woke up to find a swarm of termites eating patches of his skin where he'd urinated on himself.


Brawl in Cell Block 99

I've always loved prison movies, not sure why but they have intrigued me as much as terrified me ever since I can remember watching them.  I love the grit and nastiness of not only the environment but the dirty politics and untold stories in each cell.  Here we have a serious throwback to the old low budget "Grindhouse" type movies that center a tough, no nonsense guy just trying to do right but gets mixed up in the wrong game.  He ends up in prison due to a drug deal gone bad and is forced to kill one of the inmates in the hardest cell block with the hardest warden.  Good thing he is an ex-boxer / tough guy who can pretty much take any type of pain and dish it out 10 times more.  I almost absolutely loved this movie.  Story, violence, gore, setting, plot, acting, and Don Johnson as the hard core Warden was outstanding!  What I just couldn't get past the entire time watching was its lonesome star, Vince Vaughn.  Let me explain, I am a big fan of Vaughn, I think he is a great actor.  He just didn't sell me the part of a bad ass in this movie.  They mention how huge he is a number of times, and how big his muscles are, and how he is such a tough guy but it just wasn't there.  In this day and age, there are good actors who are 5 times the size of him that would have made his role so much more believable.  Other than that, the movie was great.  Give it a shot, maybe you will think different but one small casting mistake lost a star on my rating.

FYI:  Vaughn gained 15 lbs of "muscle" for this film???
