Thursday, May 3, 2018


Ahhh, the old corporate retreat.  Most of us have been to one, and make no mistake, no matter what industry you are in they are all bad.  Lot's of corporate lingo, false motivation, fake cheers, righteousness, synergies and efficiency's, ass kissing, name dropping, and all around fun killing.  Yep, those are the ones.  Well how about a different kind of retreat?  One where you are "reborn" in a sense.  Its extreme, its dangerous, its sexy, and with the amount of brainwashing, you just may make it out a changed man!  It is basically like an Amway conference on steroids.  Poor Kyle, a middle aged business man with a family who lives in as they say "A Zombie State" is tricked by his old college friend to attend the Rebirth retreat, only to find out it is not quite what it seems.  This was a pretty good Netflix original but there were some pretty obvious holes here.  First off it was a pretty direct rip off of "The Game".  The flow was a little off, it seemed very rushed at some points and way to slow in others.  I felt like there should have been another 1/2 hour of the film giving it more substance.  The ending was a bit unexpected and somewhat original but not sure if I agree with the decision.  Overall I liked it and would watch it again, but of course anything with the over the top, ever so hot, hot, hot Nicky Whelan in it, I could stare at for hours.  No matter how bad the movie is!

FYI:  Harry Hamlin has a bit part playing exactly the type of guy you think he is in real life.


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