Monday, May 21, 2018

The Void

Whaaaa??  Not sure what I just watched other than the fact Aaron Pool, who is an Aaron Paul look a like, did a stand up job in fighting a monster that looked like Pizza the Hut!  So apparently this is set in a land where cops are huge pussies, hillbillies can walk around carrying guns and shooting anything they want, and the only hospital in town is a broke down chop shop!  The creepy place is now on its haunting hour, (I think) and a bunch of hooded cult members are trying to do....something (I think)?  Enter some creepy monsters and some cheesy gore, and you have The Void!  I enjoyed it but could have done without the monsters, or at least the last one.  It was better with the cult members terrorizing the hospital.  I would suggest this movie as a "keeps your interest till the very end" type of film.  Fun acting and the blood and guts are outrageous.  Now make a plate of greasy and slimy nachos and start watchin!

FYI:  Crowd funded project.  Some serious loyal geeks!


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