Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Perfect Host

Having a dinner party?  I suggest inviting your closest friends then throw in an on the run criminal just to mess with his head!  What could go wrong?  Especially if your closest friends are so close they actually live inside your head!  This is a great find on Netflix that keeps you wanting more after each scene.  The film revolves around an injured bank robber who takes refuge in a strangers house after manipulating him into helping him.  He then finds that the host is not everything he seems to be.  David Hyde Pierce is outstanding as the host with the most.  He plays many parts and is extremely well rounded as a man not quite right in the head.  The movie has some holes of course but it is truly fun and exciting with a lot of little twists that keeps the roller coaster going.  If you watch this and aren't too nit-picky you will love it.  There are some key scenes that are movie greatness, one is a choreographed dance scene, one is a change of character and another a simulated sex scene.  Hello to the Host!

FYI:  Anyone remember Helen Ready?  I do (thanks Mom), and she makes an appearance!


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