Monday, June 18, 2018


How much do you actually know about your family?  I mean really know?  Especially those who are older or may have passed on.  What did they do with their lives and what direction did they take to preserve the future of their family?  Well, if your family is anything like this one, you're fucked!  This movie has been impatiently anticipated as one of the scariest movies of all time.  I would disagree but I would also say it is one of the most well made horror movies of all time.  The first 30-40 minutes is a more heartbreaking and sad film than anything.  It really makes you feel despair, and emotional but when you least expect it, it turns on you to become pure horror!  The slow burning horror scenes are extremely well done from the lighting, to the actions, to the premise and situation of each minor detail.  It chills your bones and sticks with you as the creepy almost too real relevance of terror.  This is absolutely one for the horror and suspense fan but be sure to keep your eyes open, you don't want to miss the subtle freakishness of background scares throughout.

FYI:  The son really breaks his nose on his desk during the filming.


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