Monday, June 18, 2018

Solo-A Star Wars Story

There is a small franchise you may have heard of called, "Star Wars".  If you haven't to be honest it is kind of like the nerd bible with unlimited story lines stemming from the origin of space battles.  Oh, you have heard of it?  Well this popular character finally has his own pre-story movie that the nerd universe has been waiting for since the late 70's.  It's Han Solo, one of the most beloved characters in the galaxy!  What is there to say of the story that you dont already know other than how each scenario played out.  I will sum up the good for you first; initial meet with Lando and the space poker game, meeting with Chewy, doing the Kessel run that Han has been bragging about for decades, and no Han story would be complete without a love interest.  His irresistible charm has been there since birth apparently.  Overall I really liked the movie, the Easter eggs, the way it played out giving some insight to past story lines BUT, I thought the actor playing Han fell a little short.  The flow of the movie seemed a little forced as the writing was close but missing something, and like all Star Wars movies, this one payed a little too much attention to a single event for too long (the train scene).  If you are a true fan, this movie is a must see, but if you are true fan you have already seen it so I am just talking to myself at this point!

FYI:  Chewey is played by a former Penn State University basketball player.


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