Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri

In the Spirit of Oscar week, once again the blog is going to focus on a few of the front runners from the wealthy lefties of Hollywood.  First off you have the movie that made the least amount of roar in the theaters, only to come out as a monster during sweeps week, 3 Billboards!  A vast array of characters mix their multiple personality nuances in a small town in Missoura.  That is a recipe for disaster, and disaster strikes in every corner.  Not only does this movie provide some of the best performances of each "A" list actor who is in it, it also has a story that will knock you on your butt!  A grieving and pissed off mother of a daughter who was murdered decides to stir up some major emotion in the town by renting 3 billboards with a simple message asking why no arrests have been made.  The red neck Sheriff, the racist bully deputy, the family's around town, along with a wide group of angry nay-sayers make life rather difficult for the situation.  Throw in a midget and some serious twists and you've got yourself an Oscar contender!  This movie was outstanding, that is all I have to say other than, go see it now!

FYI:  Woody spent most of his off time between shoots signing autographs and hanging out with the locals.


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