Monday, March 26, 2018

Only the Brave

Dry desert brush, winds, wild fire, and firefighters.  There is a serious weight of balance here that leads to an extremely unfortunate event in Arizona.  This movie is based on the true story of the Yarnell Hill Fire close to Prescott, AZ in which 19 brave Hot Shots tragically died fighting a historic wild fire.  These were some of the most conditioned and well equipped crew members ever and were unfortunately caught in an impossible situation.  This movie was outstanding and heartbreaking at the same time.  It did hit a little close to home as it happened only a few hours from where I live and was in the area shortly after it happened.  The acting was superb, the casting was great and the writing kept you wanting more throughout the entire picture.  It really draws you into the character development and leaves you breathless thinking of how you would feel being the only surviving member of the crew walking into a room with the widows of everyone else.  This is a must watch movie that hopefully honors the members of the brave crew who gave their lives to protect a small AZ town.

FYI:  Largest single loss of firefighter life since 9/11


1 comment:

  1. The survivor and his wife ended up getting divorced later. I can't imagine what it would be like to wake up every day as Brenden McDounagh.
