Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Bomb City

Well if I have ever seen a Boo-Hoo, poor me movie in my life its this one!  Sniff, sobb, cry, why do people treat us different with 37 piercings in my face, a 3 foot mo-hawk, a shirt that says "Fuck You" and watching me break bottles on the street and spray paint someones building?  I am so labeled and persecuted by the main-stream, all I am doing is trying to express my unique individualism. :(
Dont worry jocks, your not going to get off that easy either.  Poor me, I wear a letter man's jacket, and wear the newest Nike high tops, and drive a big Texas truck.  Dont forget about the date rape drugs, the stealing beer from my parents liquor cabinet, and run over street signs.  Why are the cops always on our ass?!?!  Okay, so in all reality, this was a pretty good movie.  Based on a true story about a Punk in a small TX town who gets killed by a jock during a brawl and gets off in court because of "the way he looked".  Meh, maybe.  Actually the only reason I watched this is a kid I want to college with posted about how real to life it is from the perspective of someone who grew up in the "Scene".  Again, meh, maybe.  I dont quite buy it because the movie was all based on a one sided view of how pure and good hearted the Punks really were and how terrible and shallow the Jocks were.  There weren't two sides so it is very skewed.  Give this a shot as it is a good story and good film making but keep an open mind, and dont expect to go out and give money to your local punk community.

FYI:  The last film to feature Ron Lester (Billy Bob from Varsity Blues) he was a producer.


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