Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Lady Bird

Another celebrated Oscar Nominee for 2017, and rightly so!  Dont get me wrong, it was no "Three Billboards" but pretty damn good, especially if you have a teenage daughter.  As a father of one, I often say either to myself or to my daughter, "Good God, just stop being so damn dramatic, the world doesn't revolve around you and you have it pretty good".  You know, things like that.  Well I think I would absolutely say the same things to Lady Bird, a name she gave herself because going by her parental given name is fascist and dis-empowering.  Of course, because high school age kids know everything and have the right answer 100% of the time, just ask them.  So this is a good coming of age story like so many before it dealing with real issues and a real struggling family connected by love.  Although sometimes hidden by greater emotions there is a true bond with this young woman and her family and the acting perfectly portrays it throughout the entire movie.  This was an excellent rendition of suburban, american life in today's society going along with the pressures of media, adults, and peer pressure in the world of growing up.  This is another must see and may open your eyes to the youth of today.  Or, it may just make you roll your eyes and say, whatever.

FYI:  "Lady Bird" is best known for the nickname given to Claudia Taylor Johnson, the wife of former President LBJ.


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