Monday, March 26, 2018


Is she, or isnt she?  Well, weather or not they tell you, she is because she is your typical neurotic young professional who loves drama!  Amidst the horrible reviews I thought this movie was awesome!  Of course there were some holes and parts were a little unbelievable as I found myself wondering why the hell the character didn't just do (blank).  Then I thought, oh ya, people are mostly idiots in real life as well so that was pretty much par for the course.  The lead actress, Claire Foy played the part of an over dramatic, sociopath very well although I was constantly distracted as she is a perfect cross between Kristen Stewart, Kristen Wigg, and Emily Blunt with a voice like Holly Hunter.  It was eerie and I couldnt get it out of my head.  SO basically the girl mistakenly, voluntarily admits herself to a mental institution at a minimum 24 hold.  Discovering what she has done she becomes unstable and violent only further committing herself to a 7 day hold.  During this time, low and behold she finds that one of the orderlies working the ward is none other than, wait for it, her former stalker!  Or is it?  Is she just crazy?  This movie is cool and stylish with Hitchcock type camera angles and suspense that makes you wonder if any of it is really happening.  The best part, good ole Matt Damon himself shows up for a bit part!

FYI:  The entire movie was filmed with an iPhone camera and in only 10 days!


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