Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Black Panther

Apparently there is a new Marvel Superhero movie out about a guy who dresses up as a black cat with super abilities and a fierce temper.  Its either Batman's love interest Catwoman, or Black Panther, or one of the Thundercats, or Hellcat, or......whatever, I am stretching it now.  I think from the movie it was Black Panther, you know the guy who shows up out of no where in Civil War and kicks ass.  Well this movie did just that!  Here is the scoop; T'Challa, the king of Wakanda rises to the throne and claims his place as king only to be challenged by a vengeful rogue warrior played by the awesome Michael B Jordan.  No, not THE Michael Jordan, although he is playing basketball in the movie as a kid???  MBJ steals the show in this movie, he is jacked and plays the part of the villain perfectly.  He is only upstaged a few times by Danai Gurira (better known as Michonne from The Walking Dead).  She rocks her role in this as well.  I would say it is in my top 5 favorite Marvel movies of all time.  The flow was really good, it didnt stall, it had a great story and didnt try to incorporate too much.  I loved it.  This is a definite go see in the theaters!

FYI:  As of March 9, 2018 this film has grossed over $940,000,000.  Not bad


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