Friday, March 23, 2018


Take Blade Runner, The 5th Element, and Kingpin, roll them all together only keeping the best of each film (cinematography, sci-fi representation, and comedy involving the Amish) and bam!  You get a very well done Netflix gem called "Mute"  The movie is quite weird as the setting is futuristic Berlin filled with robots, sexual deviants, gangsters, AWOL soldiers, and of course, Amish.  Basically what you have is an Amish bartender who is mute due to the fact he was in a boating accident as a child cutting open his throat.  He is in love with one of the barmaids and when she goes missing he gets wrapped up in the underworld trying to find her.  Enter the best part of the film, Paul Rudd.  He plays Cactus Bill, an AWOL Army surgeon who is a complete slime ball (and only half as bad as his partner).  He is the life blood of this film!  I have a hard time finding anything Rudd has done that is bad, but this may be his best role.  The story and premise is great and I would recommend it to anyone, especially those who like the strange and Macabre type movies.  Netflix has once again entertained me!

FYI:  David Hasselhoff is on the currency in this movie, look hard and you will see him!


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