Friday, February 23, 2018

Don't Hang Up

Remember this one?  RING, RING, "Hello" is your refrigerator running?  "Yes"  then you better go catch it!  HAHAHAHA!  No?  Oh, well my childhood was pretty dull and when it came to entertaining ourselves before smart phones and caller ID, we just did the old "Prank Call" routine.  In this twisted tale, a couple of teenagers decide to pull back a few too many cold ones and make some prank calls of their own, with a bit of a twist.  These cocky bastards want to terrorize the victim pretending to be the cops, or a thief in the house or whatever until they screw with the wrong recipient!  Their night of fun quickly turns into a nightmare and they become the prey.  The movie was somewhat predictable and a bit cheesy, such as unrealistic reactions to situations that would probably never work out.  I did like the suspense and the ending reveal but it wasn't quite enough to set it up for a 4 star review.  It was a free streaming flick so worth the watch but proceed with caution, it might not keep you on the edge of your seat like you want.

FYI:  Do people still prank call???


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