Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Open House

Trying to sell your home?  Well I suggest holding an Open House, especially when the place contains a basement full creepy stone tunnel areas.  Actually, it would make for a perfect wine cellar in this flick!  First off I enjoyed this little throw away, it was more than I expected and less than it should have been.  It really went through the check list of what to do for a creepy, suspense thriller.  Here is the list they used if you want to make one yourself:  First, start with a tragedy in the family that sends them out of their comfort zone.  Next, throw in a creepy, small town with out of touch residents.  Now, make everyone a little too suspicious, including the family members.  Then, have unexplained things happen in the house that should freak you out, and do nothing about it.  Finally, throw in a killer, or maybe its not a killer?!?  You can fine tune the rest with audibles such as bitter teenager, token black guy, un-used room, etc.  Take it for what it is, and there will be no awards here, just good old fashion mindless suspense.  Its another Netflix original and easy to watch with decent acting, its worth it.

FYI:  Beware, you would probably do everything different in this situation!


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