Tuesday, November 20, 2018


I would say 99% of the time after seeing a remake the first remark is that is isn't as good as the original.  Very few exceptions in my book and unfortunately this one also falls into that category.  Now don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and was extremely happy with the films outcome.  Outstanding performances by all actors with big shoes to fill (Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman), but they held their own.  Another "true story" of a French thief who is framed for murder and sent to what many may call the worst hell of a prison.  He creates an unusual friendship with the runt of the litter in order to gain his money for an escape.  There you have it, a prison break movie, we all love those, right?  I do, and they all have their own similarities with a bit of a twist to each story.  The way this film portrays the actors mind diving into madness and the atmosphere is done with excellence.  The prisoners are authentic creations of who you would think of when imagining a foreign prison.  A great story and will worth the watch.  I would suggest watching the original as well to give yourself a reference of where this all comes from.

FYI:  Papillon means Butterfly-His nickname due to the butterfly tattoo on his chest for thief's.


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