Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Girl on the Train

Ever been so wasted that you cant remember what you did last night?  How about for the last few years?  Oh, c'mon, you know the times when you fill an entire sports bottle with vodka and take it down while hangin on the commuter train.  Really?  Not you?  Uhhhhh, well you might not be able to relate to this movie as much as I did then.  Did I spoil the plot for you?  Here it is:  Raggedy drunk rides the commuter train to NY everyday spying on the homes that are built a little too close to the tracks if you ask me.  Well, she just so happens to see every detail of an important incident in these peoples lives.  Enough to get tangled in their web of lies and deceit.  Oh, another factor.  One of them is her ex-husband with his new wife and child.  Coincidence?  I THINK NOT!  This is a great mystery/thriller along the lines of all the hottest "scorn-wife" books that are taking the world by storm right now.  In the spirit of "Gone Girl", "The Wife Between Us", and "The Girl in the Window" it doesn't disappoint.  Blunt plays a real piece of crap extremely well, and Bennett is an almost doppelganger to Jennifer Lawrence.  They only accent the other great cast members who really give a great performance.  This is a great sit back and enjoy thriller that you wont want to miss.

FYI:  Blunt wore bloodshot contacts and cheek prosthetics for her alcoholic character.


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