Wednesday, January 3, 2018


If you want a racial, political and religious genocide, look no further than the not so distant future in the Bushwick district of NY.  The only way to escape is to cast a Barden Bella, an Ex-Wrestler, and rookie director and boom!  You get yourself one hell of a mindless Netflix gem!  This is a great simple movie that has a great idea of a somewhat relevant situation for the countries political divide.  The film of course takes this to the extreme, with some of our few southern states taking it upon themselves to exterminate lesser humans starting in NY.  An unlikely pair (Wrestler and Bella) find themselves fighting for their lives in order to gain refuge at a distant location.  I have to give it to the Meathead, Bautista, he has some pretty good acting chops.  Not to mention he is pretty cool.  Snow is typical Snow, and does a great job of being frantic and an "ok" actor, plus she is pretty hot.  This was pretty non stop with the action and I was very surprised at how much I liked it.  There is no Oscar in the future for this one, but I would highly recommend.  You will be shocked at some of the outcomes.

FYI:  This movie was filmed almost entirely in one take.


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