Monday, January 8, 2018

Brawl in Cell Block 99

I've always loved prison movies, not sure why but they have intrigued me as much as terrified me ever since I can remember watching them.  I love the grit and nastiness of not only the environment but the dirty politics and untold stories in each cell.  Here we have a serious throwback to the old low budget "Grindhouse" type movies that center a tough, no nonsense guy just trying to do right but gets mixed up in the wrong game.  He ends up in prison due to a drug deal gone bad and is forced to kill one of the inmates in the hardest cell block with the hardest warden.  Good thing he is an ex-boxer / tough guy who can pretty much take any type of pain and dish it out 10 times more.  I almost absolutely loved this movie.  Story, violence, gore, setting, plot, acting, and Don Johnson as the hard core Warden was outstanding!  What I just couldn't get past the entire time watching was its lonesome star, Vince Vaughn.  Let me explain, I am a big fan of Vaughn, I think he is a great actor.  He just didn't sell me the part of a bad ass in this movie.  They mention how huge he is a number of times, and how big his muscles are, and how he is such a tough guy but it just wasn't there.  In this day and age, there are good actors who are 5 times the size of him that would have made his role so much more believable.  Other than that, the movie was great.  Give it a shot, maybe you will think different but one small casting mistake lost a star on my rating.

FYI:  Vaughn gained 15 lbs of "muscle" for this film???


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