Wednesday, January 3, 2018

American Assassin

Here we go with yet another "Super Assassin" movie, where the best of the best of the best are put together to train the impossible.  The completely generic film takes all of the classic cliche elements of a film and throws them all together to make this "Blockbuster".  I took the liberty of listing them for you here:  1. Veteran actor who recently regained his A list status as the legendary bad-ass, check!  2. Coming of age heart-throb who obviously went through a three month P90-X routine in order to look the part of the undiscovered, troubled best in the world fighter, check!  3. Brash, hard nosed director who will do anything to make sure the mission is complete, along with a history to go along with her relationship with legend bad-ass, check!  4. Former best of, turned to the other side who becomes the top villain, check!  5. And not least, throw in an emotional backstory for the lead so that pent up emotions get in the way to possibly compromise the mission at hand, check!  So there you have it, a step by step guide to making an action movie, and this one took em all, and failed.  The only good parts are that the fighting scenes were pretty cool, the chicks were pretty hot, and I have a weak spot for Keaton, otherwise this movie was a complete dud.  Give it a shot if its free and your bored, otherwise forget it even exists.

FYI:  Dylan O'Brien won the lead roll over many veteran actors due to his young look for a possible 8 future films! 


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