Wednesday, January 3, 2018

It Comes at Night

Well, here we have it, another post-apocalyptic world thriller.  Only a few souls left, are they just desperate travelers looking for some sort of relief, or sinister villains who want what you have?  I finally got around to watching this after long anticipation, and it didn't disappoint!  It was certainly a slow burn with more suspense of what was going to happen rather than what is actually taking place.  In my opinion it was perfectly done to create how life would be in that type of environment where paranoia, and seclusion takes over.  The story takes place in a remote woodsy home where a man is doing everything he can to protect his family.  Along comes a stray trying to break in, another man looking for supplies to help his family.  The two families end up shacking up to avoid the sickness that has taken over the world only to create a tense and suspicious household.  Great acting and a real depiction of what you think would take place.  If your looking for a ton of action and non stop dialogue, look elsewhere.  This is a very well made movie that gets a bit disturbing and will touch your last nerve.

FYI:  Many of the cast members stayed secluded to truly get into their parts.


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