Wednesday, January 3, 2018


What would you do for $$$?  Are you sure?  Even make a really crappy movie staring a bunch of "almost there" actors living in the shadows of their more successful family members?  In this wanna-be morality and judgement modern existence tale, we follow a young mousy high school girl who finds herself immersed in an online game being judged by thousands of anonymous watchers.  Sound cool?  Well just watch the trailer and you will have saved yourself from the agony of this film.  Okay, it wasn't that bad, and I (guilty pleasure) actually enjoyed it as it was an easy watch for my 10 year old and I.  The bad, Emma Roberts, Dave Franco, Juliette Lewis, all terrible.  Just Bad.  None of them have ever been good actors, (only exception is Natural Born Killers) and cant believe they still have a place in Hollywood.  The concept was actually pretty cool and relevant in today's society where people will do just about anything for instant, non earned fame.  People will also watch just about anything as long as it keeps their attention for more than 7 seconds.  The game is run by fans giving dares to people for money, which I think is pretty cool and would probably do, but after a while it gets a little dumb.  The end fell flat, and was completely predictable but hey, if you have some time to spare, I dare you to watch!

FYI:  A secret "dark and weird" sex scene was cut from the film and only rumored of the content.


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