Sunday, January 7, 2018

Killing Gunther

Ever heard of this one?  I hadn't either, other than digging deep into the imdb trailers one night.  What an awesome concept, with a pretty good cast!   Basically this movie shows 7 of the worlds (most deadly leftover) hit-men joining forces in order to find and kill the most notorious assassin of all time!  Well, he is better than them, much better, and they end up falling flat on a number of occasions.  Then, putting Ahnold at the helm as a quirky, hit-man with all the confidence in the world, perfect right?  Hardly!  This film was about as flat as it gets, a complete dud other than the last 15 minutes.  The wasted the talent of the actors in this film with really bad dialogue writing.  Great ideas gone due to not even being utilized, and the slap-stick routine just didn't fit.  Then to top it off, Arnie isn't even in the damn movie until the last 15 minutes, and that is when it gets really good and funny.  He own's this role and carries the entire first 1 1/2 hours with his short performance.  I feel like they wrote this entire movie without Arnold, and then when they realized it sucked, they added on an extra 15 minutes with him in it just to sell tickets.  Who knows, but just watch the trailer, its as good as the film itself and you wont waste time trying really hard to like the flick.

FYI:  Apparently they are trying to make a part 2 to this titled "The Gunther Who Loved Me".


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