Monday, April 9, 2018

Ready Player One

In the year 2045, society is still hanging on every 80's reference!  Does that mean it was the greatest decade?  Probably not, but quite possibly the most original and creative.  If you haven't seen RPO yet, you must do it immediately!  If your not sure I will try my best to deliver a synopsis that does it justice, but I will likely fail.  In the future the economic hardship has taken its toll on the world and society is addicted to an escape through a virtual world.  This world was created by an uber intelligent gamer who was obsessed with the 80's.  Well his challenge is that he has hidden 3 Easter Eggs within his world and whoever finds them will receive a boat-load of money.  The the race begin!  This movie was cool, cool, cool!  Around every corner is an 80's and 90's pop culture reference that is super fun.  I always thought the previews looked good but it wasn't until my good pseudo-famous friend and neighbor told me it is one of the best books he has ever read.  The acting and story were good, but they were very overshadowed by the hidden references and animation that wasn't a disappointment.  This is an excellent movie for the whole family.

FYI:  Spielberg actually made another movie (The Post) while waiting for the special effects to be completed for this one!


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