Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Quiet Place

When you hear, "Don't Speak" do you think of a shitty 90's No Doubt song?  Well not after you watch this excellent thriller!  If you haven't heard, it is this years "Get Out".  The new age, smart horror/thriller that is winning over the critics and crushing it on Rotten Tomatoes.  The premise is easy; Creatures have taken over and they hunt by sound.  They have incredible hearing and are extremely quick and deadly.  Well, family in the woods has transformed their farm into a make-shift quiet area only to survive.  The problem is they have kids, and we all know how quiet kids can be, right?  Ha!  Trick question, they cant!  Just to throw fuel on the fire, the idiots went and got themselves knocked up, again!  Now they are going to bring a screaming baby into a world where silence is survival.  Sound impossible?  Not for Krazinski and crew!  This movie was tense, stylistic, and very well written.  With little dialogue, and a lot of silence it crawls slowly to creep up on you when you least expect it.  I have never been to a movie that was so loud and so quiet all at the same time.  This is a must see for the sophisticated fan of intensity and suspense.  Spring for the theater, its worth it.

FYI:  This was originally going to be part of the Cloverfield franchise.


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